Eating Disorder

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Yumi knew this wasn't right but she craved him.

Jungkook kissed her weak spots making her moan a bit.

When things were about to go extreme a loud noise came from downstairs.

Yumi stopped and looked at jungkook who was glaring down at her.

"Jungkook the house doesn't look too old to be making that kind of noise."

"It's literally nothing yumi. Ignore it."

"I think we need to go check it out." She says getting up. She puts on her shirt and walks out.

Jungkook chases behind her and stops her. "Yumi listen to me it's nothing! I'll check it out later!"

She stands still furrowing her eyebrows at him. He had an annoyed face.

"Come I need you to eat something." He grabs her hand and takes her downstairs.

He puts a meal in front of her and she begans to gag horribly.

"What's wrong with you yumi?" Jungkook asked approaching her with a trash can and she immediately threw up. He put her hair to the side and watched her throw up.

"I've been like this since you left. I was taking a medicine for it but they're not here with me."

"Do you remember them?"

She shook her head and wiped her mouth. He opened a water bottle and gave it to her.

"I have to go out later on."

"Where are you going?" She asked curiously.

"Out. I have to buy groceries for us."

"When are you going to let me go?"

It was silent for a while. Jungkook looked at her deep in her eyes and for some reason Yumi was fearing him.

"You want to leave me?" He asked in a serious tone.

She slowly shook her head while looking at him. "N-no but don't you think it's bad for you to be out? You'll get caught."

"I'm not stupid Yumi and don't worry about me just eat."

"I'm not hungry."

"I didn't ask if you were. I said eat. Do you have an eating disorder or something?"

"No I said Im not hungry."

Jungkook grabbed her cheeks with one hand and squished them. "Eat. Your. Food." He gritted through his teeth.

Yumi pushed herself away. "Why are you suddenly being a bitch?!"

He furrowed his eyebrows in anger. Yumi knew how much he hated being disrespected.

"What the fuck did you just say?" He asked grabbing her face again.

"Let go of me!" She says slapping him.

Yumi didn't mean to react this way. It was like something took over her. Jungkook just backed away surprised. Yumi's eyes were wide and she ran upstairs to the room as quick as she could to get away from him.

She heard stomping behind her and she closed the door on his face and locked it.

"Open this fucking door!" He yelled smacking it.

"Jungkook I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!"

"Yumi open the door right now!"

"No! You're only acting like this because I want to go home!"

The other side of the door went silent.

Yumi lays in bed and tears appear in her face. "Why can't you just let me go back home? I want to go back home! Maybe if you turn yourself in and admit to what you did they'll you out sooner. If you say you're innocent why do you keep hiding?"

There still wasn't an answer in the other side. "We can be happy again. We can go back to our normal life with Kookie. I miss him Jungkook. I missed you as well but I don't want to be like this."

She was falling asleep due to all the crying. She wanted an answer from him but she never got it.

It was finally night and when she woke up he wasn't in bed. She got up to check downstairs but her door was locked.

Yumi was confused when she saw the doorknob was changed. She twisted it hard and it was locked. Jungkook locked her in.

"Jungkook!" She yelled smacking the door. "Let me out!"

There was no answer but she didn't stop yelling his name. She grabbed the lamp and threw it against the door knob. When she threw numerous things at it and nothing helped she gave up.

She sat in the floor and leaned in the bed and stared at the ground as tears came out of her eyes.

After 30 minutes passed jungkook came in and looked around at the mess she had created.

"What did you do?" He asked getting in his knees to be close to her.

Yumi kept looking down and didn't glance at him at all.

"Yumi my love talk to me." He says cupping her face. He forced her head to him and she finally made eye contact with him.

Her eyes were puffy and jungkook went soft and he was hurting inside. "I'm sorry okay? I was scared you were going to leave me because I know how much you hate it here."

Yumi doesn't say anything she just continues to look at him.

"I bough stuff for us to have fun. I bought movies. I got us baking stuff. I got so much." He says looking at her eyes but her silence was killing him. "Please talk to me damn it! I'm sorry!" He yells with glossy eyes. She looks away and there was silence between them again.

"I'll bring Kookie." He said finally getting her attention again.

"You will?" She asked looking at him eye to eye.

"Yes I'll do anything for you Yumi." He softly smiles cupping her face. "Where is he?"

"He's with namjoon."

"You were staying with Namjoon?" He asked with anger in his voice. It was taking everything in him to not lose his shit. He knew they were related but jungkook was the type to overthink stuff.


"Okay it's going to be tough to get him out of there."

"just leave him. He's better there anyway." She says with no energy getting up.

"Yumi im sorry about earlier I was just pissed off but I need you to come downstairs and eat something. You haven't ate the whole day. At least eat the cut up fruits I bought you."

"Okay." Yumi says. She wanted to gain his trust. She doesn't want to fight him anymore or else she's going to spend the rest of her life locked up.

He grabbed her hand and took her downstairs. He put on a movie and Yumi laid on him as she ate her fruits.

She was so entertained by it that she didn't notice jungkook was only focused on her.

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