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"What do you mean jungkook escape?" Yumi asked. Her body was shaking of fear.

"He attacked the police officers that were transferring him to the court house." Namjoon said.

Yumi looked down shocked not knowing what to say.

"You have to get out of here."

"But where am I supposed to go Namjoon? I live here!"

"You'll be staying with me," he said. "We can't have you here we don't know if he's ever going to show up and harm you."

"But-" "but nothing. Pack your stuff we have to go now."

Yumi swallowed hard and nodded.

She walked upstairs with police following behind her and packed her clothes. Everything that was important to her she threw it in a suitcase.

15 minutes later she came down with police men carrying her stuff. Namjoon took them to his car and ordered police men to watch over the house 24/7.

Yumi was sitting in the passengers sit holding onto kookie who was licking his paws.

"I don't know where daddy is." She says looking at the kitten's eyes. "It's only me and you now." Yumi whispers with tears forming in her eyes. "It's only me and you." She brings the kitten to her chest and hugs it.

Namjoon got in the car and looked over at her. "You'll be staying in my guest room with.......that thing." He said referring to the cat.

"This 'thing' has a name." Yumi replied rolling her eyes.

He hummed and turned on his car to drive to his house. Yumi didn't like the idea of her staying with him, not that it was bad but She loves staying in her house. It somehow made her feel close to jungkook. All the memories took place there. It was their first home.


The trip was silent. Yumi couldn't get jungkook out of her head. She missed him so much her heart began to ache. She wanted to burst out crying and ran out the car to look for him but knowing how Namjoon was he'll chase behind her.

Namjoon arrived and helped Yumi unpack in the guest room.

She met Joonho and they both got along so well. She was teaching him how to crawl.

"Can't believe you're 5 months already buddy." Yumi says picking him up. "I remember your dad telling me about you when you were still in mommy's womb."

The more she played with him the closer she became attached. She spaced out and thought about a family with jungkook and that's when everything finally hit her. That's when she realized there won't be a family anymore. She has to go out and re-do her life with someone who won't be him.

A wave of sadness took over Yumi and she couldn't hide all the pain she was keeping in any longer. She began sobbing hard while holding onto joonho. Namjoon came down from upstairs and watched her cry.

He approached her and kneeled down to hug her. He rubbed her back and told her everything was going to be okay and as much as she wanted to believe that she couldn't.

Joonho who was between them in the hug made a burping noise and Namjoon's eyes widen when they met Yumi's.

He slowly backed away to see vomit on his suit. "Not again." He muttered.

Yumi giggled in the middle of her tears and wiped them away to see more clear.

She stood up holding joonho and washed him up as Namjoon went to his room to change his outfit.

Few days later......

It's been days.

Yumi has been suffering from depression. She hasn't slept at all. She couldn't. Jungkook wouldn't let her sleep. He was all over her head. He was the only thing she can think about.

The thought of him being out there made her want to run out and look for him but she didn't have the strength to do it.

Her body was too weak it wasn't functioning well. She started to throw up all her food to the point she refused to eat any again.

Her body was skinny and pale.

She would cry everyday and not speak to anyone. She shut everybody out the second day she moved into Namjoon's house.

Namjoon would constantly knock on her with food but she refused it. Sometimes she would only eat one thing and throw the rest away.

Jin tried getting her to see therapist but Yumi didn't want them.

She wanted jungkook.

She wanted to be with him again.

She wanted this nightmare to be over.

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