The spare key

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"Yumi wake up," heeji says lightly shaking her. Yumi got up from her lap and looked around confused.

"You have to lock me back up jungkook will be here any minute." Heeji says

Yumi quickly gets up and heeji follows her to the room.

"I'll let you out whenever he leaves. I promise I'm going to try to find a way for us out okay?" Yumi says cupping her face. "Don't lose hope. Just be obedient."

Heeji nods and hugs Yumi so tight. "Please take care of yourself. Don't anger him or you'll lose it." She says referring to yumi's baby

Yumi nods endlessly when she realized what she meant. Heeji went inside the room and closed the door. Yumi stared at the door knob for a few seconds and finally locked it with the knife and went back to the kitchen.

She leaned on the counter and cried so hard. She finally realized that jungkook was actually a monster and no matter what he said nothing was going to change her mind.

It had been 30 minutes and jungkook was finally home. He was smiling so wide when he saw his wife in the couch watching tv.

"Hi my love." He says walking towards her.

Yumi smiled and hugged him. "Where have you been? I missed you."

"Out grocery shopping again. I got us some strawberries covered in chocolate." He lifts up the bag and gives it to yumi.

She ate a few and left the rest on the table.

"What's wrong? Are you not hungry again?" Jungkook asked confused.

"I already ate when you were gone," she says obviously lying. "I'm going to take a bath I'll eat them later."

Jungkook walks behind her and lightly squishes her butt. "I'll join you."


Yumi was nauseous she was so sick that jungkook noticed it.

His mind was so little he assumed it was because she wasn't taking the pills she was supposed to take.

Yumi was afraid her bump was going to show any minute. She had no plan on telling jungkook. She has no idea how he was going to react to the news.

"I'm going out to buy you some pills I can't have you like this forever." He says putting his shoes on. "I don't want you to die on me."

Yumi nods as she's laying under the blankets. Her breast were swollen and big but there was still no stomach showing.

She avoided sex with jungkook because she was afraid he was going to notice the difference in her body due to the pregnancy.

She didn't want to stay here any longer she had to find a way out.

When jungkook left, yumi waited for a while to get out of the bed due to the pain she had from her stomach. She went to the closet to see if the spare key she found to the outside door was still there. She sighed in relief when she noticed jungkook didn't take it.

When they took a bath together it slipped out of his jeans and Yumi kept it hidden since then.

She ran out the room and went upstairs to unlock the door from heeji's room with a knife.

"Heeji we have to go." She says. Heeji was in the floor not moving.

Yumi's body was panicking. "Heeji?!" She yells and sits next to her shaking her body harshly.

Their wasn't much light in the room so it was hard to tell the state heeji was in.

Her body rolled over and she lightly opened her eyes to look at Yumi.

"Come he's gone." Yumi says helping her up.

They both sit in the hall where their was better light and Yumi finally gets a better glance at heeji's face.

"I'm so sorry." Yumi breaks down crying looking at her bruised face. "I'm really sorry for everything he's doing to you."

"It's not your fault." Heeji says rubbing yumi's cheek. "Don't blame yourself for that monster's actions."

"D-does he touch you?"

Heeji shook her head. "No he just beats me thats it."

"Please don't lie to me."

"Trust me Yumi. He finds girls that are not you disgusting. That's why he gets the sudden urge to get rid off of us all." Heeji says wiping yumi's tears.

Yumi looks down and cries so hard. "This is my fault!"

"It's not!" Heeji yells at her. "Don't blame yourself please!"

"I can't stand this place anymore." Yumi cried hugging her knees. "I can't be here with him anymore. Please let's go, let's go now!"

Heeji nods grabbing her hands. "Okay let's go. Now."

Yumi wipes her tears and gets up grabbing heeji's hand.

"Yumi," heeji says making her stop. "If only one of us can make it out alive please let it be you. You're carrying a child. People think I'm already dead so there's no point in saving me."

"No don't say that. we're both getting out." Yumi says as she continue walking with her downstairs.

"Wait here," Yumi tells her. "I'm going to get the spare key I left in the closet."

Heeji nods and watches her run upstairs.

Yumi went back to the closet and when she opened it, it was gone. It was no longer there.
She started to look around everywhere but it was no where to be found. She started crying in frustration as she made her way back downstairs.

"Heeji I can't find it." She says. Heeji was no where in her sight anymore.

"Heeji?" She yells looking around. "Heeji!"

"She's dead." Someone said behind yumi.

When she turned around to see who it was something hit her in the side of the head completely knocking her out.

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