A vacation

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2 Days Later.......

"Yumi wake up." Jungkook says shaking her leg.

"What?" She groans in anger. "What's so important at this time of the day?"

"Shut up," he flicks her head. "Let's go on a vacation. Just you and me."

Yumi quickly sits up and stares at him. "Are you serious?"

Jungkook nods and Yumi smiles. "Oh my god are you being serious? What about your job?"

"Somebody is covering up for me until we come back."

"Oh my god!" Yumi squeals jumping on his lap. She kisses him non stop and jungkook places his hands on her waist.

"So when are we leaving?"

"Right now."

Her smile dropped. "R-right now?"

"Yeah? What's wrong? You don't want to?"

"It's too early in the morning and what about kookie?"

Jungkook smiles and kisses her forehead. "It's never too early baby and kookie will be staying with jimin."

"Where are we going?"

"We can go to Busan," he says. "Or to the states. Anywhere you want."

"Lets go to Paris!!" Yumi yells.

"Fine pack up."

Yumi and jungkook both packed up. They dropped kookie off at Jimin's house and drove to the airport. Their flight was so long Yumi was asleep almost the whole time.

They finally arrived in Paris and jungkook chose the fanciest hotel to stay in.

"Wow it's big." Yumi said looking around.

"That's what she said." Jungkook laughed.

Yumi giggled and playfully smacked his head.

"You know what else is big tho?" He asked.

"The love i have for you." She replied with a smirk on her face.

"I was going to say my di-" "jungkook!" Yumi yelled smacking his head again.

"Oww- I was going to say my dior ring!"

"Sure you were."

Jungkook giggles and slides his hands on yumi's waist. "Or I can show you what's really big."

Yumi smirks again and looks up at him. "Then show me," she bites her lips. "But once we're done exploring Paris." She laughs pushing his hands away.

"Are you really going to leave me like this?" He laughs.

"Yes" Yumi said.


"Wow the Eiffel Tower is so big!" Yumi says looking up at it.

"It is and it's as beautiful as you." Jungkook smiles looking at her.

Yumi's cheeks flushed into a bright red and jungkook couldn't stop smiling big noticing the way she blushed.

"You've always been a flirt." She says trying to ignore his glances.


"Yeah remember when we started dating you purposely wrapped my hair around your finger and told me I looked familiar and when i asked like who you replied with 'my girlfriend'"

"Oh," he laughs. "And then your cheeks went bright red because your friends heard."

"Talking about my friends I miss them. God knows what happened to them but I hope they're okay." Yumi said concerned.

Jungkook grinned and looked somewhere else. "I hope that too."

Yumi smiled and looked away from him as well.

"Let's go get ice cream I really want some ice cream right now."

He grabbed her hand and dragged her to the nearest ice cream shop.

"Hi sir how can I help you?" The cashier asked.

"Can I get a vanilla ice cream?" Jungkook says and turns back to look at yumi. "What do you want?"

"I want rocky road."

Jungkook turns back to the cashier. "I'll also like a rocky road ice cream."

The lady serves the ice creams and hands them to him. "That'll be six dollars."

Jungkook takes out his money and gives it over.

He hands Yumi her ice cream. She takes a lick of it and connects her free hand with jungkook's hand before walking out of the ice cream shop.

A couple passed by playing with their son and Yumi observed the way they laughed and smiled as their little one hopped over lines.

Jungkook noticed Yumi watching the couple but didn't say anything. He pulled her hand away and she came to her sense and began eating her ice cream.

Yumi promised herself to never bring up the conversation about having kids again she always told herself "Jungkook will bring it up when he's ready."

"Can I have some of your ice cream?" He asked.

Yumi nodded and gave him some of her ice cream.

"Can we go back to the hotel?" She asked

"Why? Are you tired? Do you not want to walk around a little bit more?"

"It's getting a little cold. Can we finish exploring tomorrow?" She asked



"Why is Namjoon calling me?" Yumi asked pausing the movie.

"Don't answer him."

"Why not?"

"Because we're on vacation? We're supposed to be taking a break of everything and everyone." He said with furrowed eyebrows and his voice was deep and serious.

"What if it's an emergency? He doesn't stop calling"

"Yumi baby, There's other people around him that can help and If it was he would've Called me."

"You're right." She said turning off her phone.

He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. "Come let's finish watching the movie the bad guys are about to die."

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