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Third POV

Aliciel walk towards the hall and passed a room as she spotted Allen.

He practice to eat like a noble but failed, commoner is still a commoner. Aliciel leave out a sigh as she enters the dining room. He notice her presence and look at her with wide eyes.

"S-sis-" before he could finish his lines, she beat him to it.

"Allen, In Blacker Dukedom, you have your own table manners. Sit up straight facing the table. This will give people a good first impression. But try not to look stiff and nervous, this will put them on edge." she explained as she place her hand on his back to straighten it. Then she get the knife and handed it to him. "Hold the knife on the right hand."

"Y-yes!" he said as he take the knife with his right hand, waiting for the next command.

"To cut something, you stab your fork into it, but be careful and do this gently." she explained as he nodded. He did as she said and he did it perfectly. "He really is a fast learner." she thought while looking at him.

Allen blushed warmly at her sisterly affection. He's quite happy that she cared about him even for the slightest moment.

"S-sister." he called as Aliciel look at him questioningly.

"What is it?"

"Y-you can just call me with 'Len'." he sai shyly while fidgeting his fingers.

"I favoured you a little and you like to act like we're close?" Aliciel put down the fork. "Why should I?" the moment she ask that, Allen's eyes widened. "It's not useful and unnecessary. So don't ask about this question ever again." she said making him shut his mouth and look down, frustrated.

"Don't act like we're close." Aliciel thought as she look at the table. "You're going to kill me and I don't want to bother being nice to you, not to mention you're the one is at fault here for my mother's replacement."


"Swordsmanship? B-but I can't really wield a sword." Allen said to Aliciel that is reading her book.

Aliciel turned her head towards him. "I don't want to embarrass myself that my little brother and the heir to the Blacker Dukedom is pathetic and couldn't master swordsmanship as a Blacker." she said bluntly as her gaze went back to the book.

Allen look down. "T-then, I-I will take swordsmanship lesson."

"I don't ask for your opinion. It's a 'must'." she said that coldly as Allen lower his head. Aliciel sigh tiredly. "Go to your room. You're disturbing my time." she said, didn't bother to look at him as she focuses on the book.


Aliciel let a long sigh as she turned her head towards him. "What...!?" she asked, irritated.

"W-when are you going to go to the Evans Academy?" he asked nerveously while looking at her.

"Next week." she replied.

Well, Allen is going to feel a little lonely without her. Even with her cold and distant personality, he adores her nonetheless and grateful that he always helped her with manners and noble act.


It's dinner time and inside the dining room, it's silent as the cold atmosphere filled the room. The Duke decided to break it as he turned his head towards Allen.

"Allen, I heard that you're a fast learner. Many praised you and start to look at you as the suited heir." the duke smiled while looking at him.

"Yes. You're a genius..!" the Duchess also praised him with a wide smile.

Allen blushed warmly. "...I just want to make my sister proud, that's why I worked hard." he thought while eating the food. "It's because of sister that I'm able to reach this far." she smiled as he look at Aliciel.

"No, no. It's because of yourself that you're able to reach this far." the Duke said as he glance Aliciel for a bit. "Your sister did nothing, so don't bother about it."

"Stupid Allen, you're making my mood worse than ever." Aliciel thought as she eat her dinner calmly. "And father, will it hurt so bad for you to compliment me?" she thought as she asked to herself.

"Aliciel, please don't act rashly or embarrassed your brother." the Duke said while looking at her with a cold stare.

Aliciel put down the spoon and lift her head to look at the Duke. "Don't worry so don't bother talking about it." she talked back making the Duke slightly irritated. "Just die." she thought while looking at the Duke. There's a slight hint of hatred in her eyes.

"Mother is a gentle and a tender woman. She filled Aliciel with love but fell ill when Aliciel was only 5 years old. She was bedridden for 9 years. The Duke never payed any attention to her and eventually leave her to death." she clench her fist and glance at the duke.

"Mother... why bother marrying him?" Aliciel thought as she look at her food.

Aliciel is a person with great manner but despite her manner, she is a rude person who wants to do nothing with anyone and had quite the temper.


The time finally comes to the entrance ceremony of Evans Academy. The place where the game started.

Aliciel look at all the students gather waiting for the crown prince to give his speech.

"Everyone, I allow you for his highness, Crown Prince Valen d'Fyrst!"

Everyone starts to clap their hands and gets excited to see the Crown Prince.

Golden-reddish eyes. There's no greater description towards Prince Valen d'Fyrst.

Aliciel observe him. "In the game, he is a rare type of prince. A free-spirited, kind,... clearly.. he's strong. But.. He's dangerous. If he's that kind of person.. He wouldn't kill Aliciel with that kind of face in the game. And wouldn't slice off her eyes and stab her to death." she thought as shiver run down through her spine. "He has a high ignorance towards people who he considers unimportant. It's not like he had two faced personality.. It's just... depends on the person he met or the person who met him. Rather.. he's personality is quite complicated."

"Greetings to you all! I'm grateful that I could have this chance even though I'm just a first year that should be seated." he said casually as he look all the students and teachers that gathered. "I hope we all could get along in this school years. That's all. Thank you very much!"

Everyone gave him a big applause. A short and simple speech from the prince.

"At least it's not long and boring." she thought as she get up from her seat to look around the school.


"L-lady Blacker, may we join you?"

"Lady Blacker, do you like to eat sweets?"

"Your hair is beautiful. As white as the snow and ruby eyes."

Aliciel sigh tiredly at their sight. "So.. they are all Aliciel's followers in the game who, together, bullied the heroine." she thought with a frown. "No, just go." she said bluntly didn't bother to be polite or look at them and indicating them to leave.

"H-huh?... W-why?" they still asked with a polite smile.

"Because all of you are annoying. Please leave." After she said that, all of them shut their mouth and leave Aliciel alone.

She doesn't care. Friends or not, alone or crowded, people, siblings, or parents.

She doesn't need one.

"Whoa... rude." a familiar voice said making Aliciel's eyes widened in surprised.

She turned around to be greeted by the familiar figure.

Valen d'Fyrst.

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