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Third POV

Aliciel look at Nora with narrow eyes. On their first day of school, the teacher assign the two of them together for an important assignment.

They also ended up in the same class.

"Good day Lady Aliciel!" Nora greeted her with her usual bright smile.

Aliciel only sigh as she mentally facepalm. "Why did the teacher assign us to work together?"

"Let me explain our assignment once more." Aliciel said while looking at Nora.

Nora nodded in understatement, signing Aliciel to continue.

"Our assignment is considered hard because we will go to another Empire. We have to go to Eclat Empire to collect history about the Emperor and Empress as well maintaining everything about the two friendship of our empire." Aliciel explained, looking if Nora understand.

Nora nodded her head, signing Aliciel to continue. "This is a long journey because it take us 4 weeks to get there. We will reside at the Eclat Empire for a week or after we're done with our assignment. Understand?" Aliciel asked with a raised eyebrow.

Nora smiled brightly. "I understand!"

"Start to pack. We don't have much time."


Every third grade in the academy received quite a huge task, that is to observe Eclat Empire.


Nora's when widen in surprise and amaze by the sight.

"It's the Eclat Empire!"

After weeks of their journey, the two of them finally arrived at the neighbouring Empire, The Eclat Empire.

"I'm so excited! This is wonderful!" she smiled brightly while looking at Aliciel who is reading her book calmly.

"Oh." was all she could said.

"Where we would be staying???"

"We're going to live at the Imperial Palace. Since we're the guest to the Empire." she replied briefly, getting annoyed by each seconds.

"Really!? I'm so lucky! It's my first time going to this Empire."

"It's mine as well."

After a while of waiting, the carriage stop by infront of a huge palace.

Aliciel turned her head to be greeted by the huge Palace she's unfamiliar with. The truth is, she's quite excited to see the Eclat Empire but she would never say that out loud.

The two of them exit the carriage to be greeted by a few butlers and maids.

"Good day, Lady Blacker and Lady Bright." one of the butler greeted them politely as Aliciel and Nora greeted them back.

"We are delighted to have a guest from the Fyrst Empire." he smiled gently at them. "I will show you the guest rooms you will be staying at for the week." he explained as he let the butlers carry all of their suitcases.

"Please follow me." he continue as Aliciel and Nora follow his lead while looking around the beautiful luxurious palace.

Nora is excited to look around while Aliciel just look around calmly.

"Welcome to the Eclat Empire." the butler said while touring them around while leading them towards their rooms.

"In this Empire, we expect much for freedom. If you ladies want to look around after arriving at the rooms, please inform me to do so."

"Yes! Thank you very much!" Nora thanked him wholeheartedly as Aliciel only thanked him normally.

Aliciel stop on her track as she look at the picture of a man with cold violet eyes and silver hair. Even in that picture, he looks intimidating.

"Ah, that is the current Emperor of this Empire. His majesty's name is Axelion de Eclat." the butler said while looking at the picture as well.

"As the Emperor, he's quite intimidating..." Aliciel thought while looking at the picture.

"Also-" before the butler can finish his lines, a loud voice echoed the hallway and a marching footsteps that is getting closer.


Aliciel turn her head to be bump into a certain blonde hair with violet eyes.

"...Watch where you're going!" he shouted at her angrily as Aliciel raise her brow.

"You're the one who's running around and bump into me first..." she thought while looking at him.

"I-I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience Lady Blacker." the butler apologised to her awkwardly as she nodded whatsoever.

"This is Edgar de Eclat, the Crown Prince of this Empire." the butler introduced the one who bumped into her as Aliciel's eyes widen in surprise.

"Tch." he clicked his tongue as he made his way towards who-knows-where angrily.

Aliciel just blink as she look at his disappearing figure.

"I apologise once again Lady Blacker, he has quite the temper and he doesn't like being control around people." the butler said apologetically.

"It's fine." Aliciel said while looking at the butler.

"Ugh... I want to go home." Aliciel thought desperately, completely uncomfortable with the situation around her.

Nora turn her head towards Aliciel. "Lady Aliciel, let's work hard together." she smiled sincerely as Aliciel sigh.

But her face betrayed her as she form a small smile, "Yes."

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