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Third POV

Aliciel look at Kian with narrow eyes. "If Valen were to become the Emperor, what would you do?" she asked, slightly nervous of his answer.

Kian look at her and put his head on the back of his head. "Why should I care?" he asked as Aliciel's eyes widened.

"B-but you're family is siding with Vilanc, I'm just asking what would you do...!?" she asked, getting irritated.

Kian give her a bored look. "Like I said, I won't do anything. If Vilanc or Valen were to become the Emperor, who cares? I don't care. I know that my family getting caught up on this, just because I'm are getting caught up on my fate afterwards or whatsoever, it doesn't mean that I should go along with it. I have my own choices and people personality or mind tends to change." the moment he said that, Aliciel's eyes widen in realisation.

"That's right..." she thought with wide eyes. "This world is my own world and I'm not playing a game right now. I'm too scared of death that I avoid everyone. I just have to avoid Aliciel's personality and try to understand people more." she thought and sigh of relief that she talked to Kian.

"...I'm sorry." she suddenly apologised while looking at Kian.

Kian's eyes widen in surprise. "What are you apologising for?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Aliciel try to form a slight small smile. "For nothing..."

Kian slightly blush at her sudden change of mood. "...Now that I think about it.. It's the first time she smiled at me." he thought while looking at her, noticing her really small smile. "Then your welcome for nothing." he said casually with a broad grin.


Aliciel look at Allen from afar. She sigh and walk towards him. Allen notice her presence and look at her with wide eyes.

"G-greetings, Sister." he bowed politely.

Aliciel sigh of relief and give him a light smile much to his surprise. "Want to have a tea together?" she offered kindly which probably the first time Allen heard that.

His eyes went wide at her offer. "...O-of course!" he beamed happily as Aliciel nodded.

"Follow me." she smiled at him as he nodded and follow her tracks.

"How was school?" she asked while walking towards their way. "I never ask him about his well-being. I guess I haven't been a good sister." she smiled sadly knowing that she would always scold him or just ignore him which she kind of regret.

"It's great." he smiled at her, enjoying the time they had together. "I wonder what made sister suddenly act like this though..." he thought and glance at her, wanting to know what is the cause of her change in attitude.

"Did you make any friends?" she asked again, curiously.

Allen smiled gently. "Yes. Her name is Nora Bright." he replied with a smile.

Aliciel smiled back. "For now, I would keep my distance to inappropriate act for my own happy end. But I won't neglect the people around me. I hope I can do that." she thought with a slight smile, trying to change herself for the batter.

"Really? What kind of girl is she?" she asked, trying her best to form a smile again.

"..Ah, she's a nice girl." he smiled back happily that Aliciel talk to him casually.

"That's good."


Sometimes, Allen would thought that his sister's eyes was intimidating and cold. He couldn't even search the slight warmness in it and she successfully intimidate him.

While looking at his tea, he look at her sister, drinking her own tea elegantly. In his perspective, she is intimidating, rude, strict, calculating, and she doesn't care about anyone but he never mind about all that.

But now, he has notice the care and warmness in his sister's eyes. He is pleased enough to know that she cared and try to understand him. For him, it's more than enough.

They didn't talk for a while, only silence filled the room on a comfortable way. The two of them just want to enjoy each other's company and enjoy the siblings moment they had for the first time even though they're half-siblings.

Forming a bond is hard, but what makes it special is that it didn't take blood to make the two of them a family.


Aliciel walk towards the hallway and notice that Nora is on a tight situation where a few noble girls surrounds her and throw all their rages at her.

"You're just an illegitimate child of a baron!"

"Don't get full of yourself!"

"Commoner would still be a commoner."

Alicel just look at the scene unfold infront of her. She doesn't seem bother by it and thought that it's natural to encounter that kind of event.

"I-I'm a noble as well! Please do not make fun of me or my family! If you have a pride as a noble, you wouldn't do this kind of thing! I would tell the teacher about this." she defended herself bravely much to Aliciel's surprise.

"Stupid." Aliciel thought while looking at her with her usual cold ruby eyes. But then again, she sigh as she walk towards them. Noticing that she wants to change herself for the better.

"Can you all shut your mouth?" she asked bluntly while crossing her arms. They stiffen at her cold familiar voice as the noble girls turned around to be greeted by Aliciel's cold stare.

"L-Lady Blacker..." they stuttered at her presence. It's enough to make them shut their mouths as they look at their own dress. Surprisingly, they found their own dress more interesting than to meet Aliciel's eyes. They sweat drop, clearly scared of what she would say next.

It's Aliciel Blacker they're thinking about.

"If you find your dress more interesting than to speak with me, how about you all go to somewhere else that is more nice?" she asked with such great authority in her voice, enough to send shiver run down their spine as Aliciel politely telling them to scram. They nod briefly as they walk their way back, far from the place where Aliciel stood.

Nora look at Aliciel with a warm smile. "T-thank you, Lady Blacker." she thanked her hesitantly but grateful for it.

"You just can't shout at them like that and blame them or threatening them to tell the teachers." Aliciel warned, completely ignoring her blabber.

"But I don't think I'm at fault here. They are openly harassing me. So I have to stood up for myself. I was acting fairly."

"There's nothing fair about this world. Just so you know, unlike the life of a commoner who thinks highly of being 'fair', Nobles find status more interesting than feelings. So teachers or that girls could easily turn the table around looking at your status." Aliciel explained, in matter of fact.

"B-but I'm just standing up for myself and I'm sure the teacher can understand."

"Status is everything, Lady Bright. Teachers won't hesitate to change side if your enemy holds higher status than you." Aliciel sigh at Nora's childish attitude.

"I-I'm a noble as well."

"That's why if you're a noble, use rational words to think through the situation. Noble is tricky. Noble have their pride. Use that against them."

Nora's eyes widen in realisation at Aliciel's statement. Sudden adoration flash through her mind while looking at Aliciel.

"...I-I understand!" she cheered much to Aliciel's expectations of her character.

Alicel give her a small smile. "I'm glad if you understand."

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