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Third POV

Allen look around the school as his gaze directed towards the piece of paper on his hand.

He walk towards the main entrance so his mentor would be easy to find him.

"...Are you Allen Blacker?" a sweet voice asked behind Allen as he turned around to be greeted by the familiar silver hair and emerald eyes.

"Ah, yes." Allen bowed politely at her presence and she greeted him back with a polite bow.

"Good day, my name is Nora Bright. I will be your mentor for this one week." she smiled at him as he returned the smile. "Please follow me, I will show you around the school." she said with a light smile as Allen nodded at her statement.

They walk together towards the hallway as Allen glance at her multiple times. Nora seems to notice it and turned her head towards him.

"Is there something wrong?" she asked worriedly while looking at him.

Allen smiled and shakes his head. "Nothing's wrong." he said and look ahead. "It's just that..." he paused for a second. "Your hair remind me of my older sister." he said as he turned his head towards her with a smile.

"Older sister?" she asked questioningly while looking at him.

Allen smile. "Yes." he replied.

"How similar?" she asked again with a warm smile.

"Hmm..." he put his hand on his chin. "Your hair is silver but my sister is quite has the colour of snow. The length of your hair is also the same. So I thought you're my sister for a moment." he explained awkwardly.

"Really? What was your sister like?" she turned her head towards him. "Did you and your older sister get along?" she asked again with a smile as they keep walking towards the hall.

Allen's gaze directed downwards as he let out a sigh. "...I don't know if we're close or get along well." he said with a sad smile.

"How to put it... My sister is a rude person. She's strict and speak out her mind. She rarely smiles and most of her expression is disinterested. She would scold me if I made a mistake." he explained awkwardly making Nora smile.

"Maybe because I stole something from her that cannot be replace by words. I don't know if she really hates me or not because she always appeared when I needed her. She would help with everything and make sure my need was filled."

Nora smiled warmly at his explanation. "Then, do you love your older sister?" she asked curiously, knowing the answer.

"Of course I do." he smiled warmly even though there's a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Nora returned the smile. "That's all matters. I'm sure your older sister is proud to have you as her little brother."

Allen just sigh with a sad smile. "I hope so. But maybe it's natural for her to hate me. I'm just being selfish here and not considering her feelings. Logically, I'm the one who ruined half of her life. Or all of it. No question if she hates me. It's natural for her to think so."


Aliciel bowed. "I am Aliciel Blacker. I will be your mentor for the week." she introduced herself politely. "Why is this happening to me..?" she thought while looking at him, the one who she would take care of in a week and the one she's supposedly to keep her distance.

"I'm looking forward for everything, my Mentor." Vilanc bowed politely as he take her hand and kiss it.

"Raise your head your highness. It's inappropriate to bow for someone whose rank is lower than you." she said while pulling away her hand from him making him smile in amusement.

"It's just a polite greeting, Lady Blacker." he smiled gently while looking at her.

Aliciel frown at his sight. "Polite greetings my foot." she thought and clear her throat. "Where would you like to go first, your highness?" she asked politely.

"You can call me Vilanc." he smiled implying that they should use their first names and be casual with each other.

But unfortunately,

"I don't want to." Aliciel said bluntly making Vilanc blinked and proceed her words as he burst into laughter.

"A-anyways, until when will you be my mentor?" he suddenly asked.

Aliciel frown at his question and convince herself that he didn't payed attention when she explained something. "Until next week." she replied nonetheless.

"That's a shame."

"That's the school circumstances."

"Should I change it for you?"

"Should I kill you?" Aliciel thought while looking at him. "Like hell I would say that!" she scream on her mind as she mentally facepalm.

"So she's Aliciel Blacker." Vilanc thought while looking at her. "It's obvious that her family is siding with Valen and that's troublesome. I can't take the throne easily and I won't give up on it." he thought and glance at Alicel. "I wish I could make a use of her but she's quite complicated."

Aliciel narrow her eyes at Vilanc. "I know they didn't explain the darker story in the game because it's only focused on romance. But from what I know, Valen and Vilanc is fighting for the throne and secretly tries to kill each other. Still, it's a political world where rainbow and happiness never lasts forever. My family is on Valen's side and it really is a great benefit for Valen. But there's not less aristocrats who also support Vilanc, son of the late Empress." she thought while remembering her own investigation and connection to the game.

"I have to find out more about this world." she sigh tiredly. "Then, how about the library?"

Vilanc smile. "That sounds wonderful." he narrow his eyes. "Somehow the atmosphere is quite... cold... maybe the atmosphere at the Dukedom is worse."

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