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Third POV

Valen rest his chin on his hand and look at the nobles who greeted him with a bored expression. "Now.. What is this useless aristocrats doing here..?" he thought while looking at them

"Your highness, we all are aware that on your upcoming birthday you don't have a partner for you to escort.. How about -" before the nobleman finish his lines, Valen beat him to it.

"I don't need one." he answered bluntly as their eyes widen in surprise.

"...M-maybe you would give a chance for my daughter, Eclair Le Rass? She's a talented, 15 years old. And more than anything, she's the first daughter of house of Rass." he explained nerveously.

"I decline." Valen said with a playful smile.

"Then your highness, you haven't found yourself a fiancee yet. And I, would like to recommend Lady-" then again, Valen beat him to it.

"I don't need your recommendation. I have my own choice. Anyways, why did you asked for my opinion when my father is still alive?" he smirked while looking at them. They look taken aback.

"D-don't say that your highness. We only just want your opinion."

Valen sigh. "Such a useless conversation. I know that you are all on Vilanc's side." he thought while looking at them. "Thank you for wasting my time today. Y'all can go now." he said while shooing them.

"B-but your highness, please consider my daughter-"

"I'll consider your daughter if I have the time. Have a good day." he said implying for them to leave.

The Evans Academy is on a summer holiday so every students went to their own household. When they come back to the school, they will be second years.

"What are you doing Allen?" Aliciel glared him with a crossed arms.

"R-reading." he stuttered while looking at her

Aliciel sigh. "Shouldn't you prepare for school?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I-I'm-" before he could finish his lines, Aliciel take the book from him.

"You should ask the servants to pack your belongings from now. Things will get busier. It's better sooner than later." she said while putting the book back on the shelf.

Allen's gaze directed downwards as he glance at her big sister. Now that he turned 14 and Aliciel is 15, he will enroll into the academy and Aliciel being his upperclassmen.


Allen walk towards the hallway with a sigh. "I should try the uniform if it's fit or not. And books... I think they already prepared it." he thought and notice a handcrief near the trash bin. He walk towards it and notice that the handcrief had the crest of the Blacker family.

"What is it Allen?" a familiar voice asked as he turned his head to be greeted by his father's eyes.

"F-father..." he managed to croaked out as he look at him with the handcrief on his hand.

The Duke notice that as his gaze directed towards the handcrief. "..It has the symbol of our family." the Duke said while taking the handcrief from Allen.

"...I think sister embroidered it." he replied as the Duke's eyes widened. "I heard that it's the task of the ladies to make it and give it to their fathers." he continue while looking at the Duke.

The Duke look at the handcrief and sigh. "That child..." he started, "hate me." he said with a slight sad smile and putting the handcrief inside his pocket. "At least this handcrief is something she gave me for the first time."


"Can you forgive this mother of yours?" a woman smiled sadly.

Aliciel's eyes widened in surprised as she she sit up from the bed. "What is that..!? A dream..!?" she thought tiredly and look that surrounds her. She gasped and breath for air. "My mother... apologized to me?"

She lie down on the bed again and calm herself down. "Can I just run away from this household? I can just play dead and run away or I can just straightly run away from this household." she thought and chuckled. Her lips form a sad smile. "Who am I kidding...?"

She heard a knock on the door and ask whoever it is to come in. Lula walk in with a light smile plastered on her face. "Good morning Milady." she bow politely as Aliciel smiled.

"Good morning Lula."

"Milady, there's an invitation for the Crown Prince's birthday." she informed as Aliciel sigh tiredly.

"Just let those family of mine attend it. It's perfect after all, a Duke, a Duchess, and a Heir." she explained while looking at Lula.

Lula form a sad smile on her face. "Then, you're not going, Milady?"

"No. I know it's rude to decline an invitation from the Imperial Family but at least one of the Blacker Ducal comes right? It won't be my problem as long as they attend it."

"...As you wish." Lula bowed. "Then Milady, would you like a bubble bath? I would wash your hair." she smiled while looking at her.

"You would do that for me? Thank you." Aliciel thanked her with a light smile.

Lula smiled sadly as she clench her fist. "I would never forgive this family, Milady." she thought while looking at Alicel getting up from her bed. "They treated you so bad. I won't let it slide.... Just please... be happy."

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