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Third POV

"Milady, you should fix your tie." Lula warned while looking at Aliciel's tie. Aliciel widen her eyes and nodded as she fix her tie.


Well, all noble girls should bring their personal maid to school to help them, for noble boys, they have to bring their butler. It's one of the rules the Academy have.

"Did you do your homework Milady?" Lula asked with a raised eyebrow.

Alicel give her a small smile. "Yes I did."

"Then you are allowed to have fun." Lula smiled, indicating that Aliciel have a tea time with Allen and Nora.

Aliciel nodded as they went their ways towards the school garden. They are two familiar figures present at the moment. It is Aliciel's little brother and Nora Bright. Aliciel walk towards them as she take a seat.

Lula smiled at the sight. Thinking that it used to be Aliciel alone, but now, two person present before her. It makes Lula happy that Aliciel's not exactly alone.

Aliciel frown at the sight of sweets before her. "What's this?" she asked, pointing at the dessert.

"It's sweets! I made it myself. Lady Blacker, please try it." Nora offered while pushing the plate closer to Aliciel's figure. Allen smiled at Aliciel, waiting for her to try one of them.

Aliciel sigh as the sight. Sweets is not her cup of tea. To cut it short, she despised it. "I thank you for your kindness Lady Bright, but unfortunately, I have to decline your offer." Aliciel said as polite as she can so she won't hurt Nora's feelings even the slightest.

But Aliciel's voice sounded cold and distant, completely betrayed her intentions. Completely obvious that she dislike it.

Nora's excitement vanish into a guilt one. Her gaze directed downwards and blame herself to ruin the moment to please Aliciel, but Nora, herself, destroy it. "I-I deeply apologise..." she apologized sincerely much to make Aliciel guilty as well.

"Spicy food." Aliciel stated making Nora look at Aliciel with confusion written all over her face. Aliciel sigh once again as she look at Nora who silently want an explanation to her statement.

"Bring me or make me spicy food next time." Aliciel said as she drink her tea and enjoying every flavour she felt.

Nora's excitement back again as her eyes sparkled. "Y-yes! Definitely!" she cheered.

Allen glance at Aliciel for a moment. "So sister like spicy food..." he thought as smile crept on his face. Even when they live with each other for almost 2 years, he barely know anything about her. So finding something about her sister sends happiness inside him as the younger brother.

"What about tea?" he manage to ask, looking at Aliciel as curiosity take over him.

Aliciel look at her tea and form a really small smile. "I prefer black tea." she answered but that didn't make Allen satisfied at all as he keep throwing questions.

"Favorite colour?"


"Favorite subject?"


"Hobby except reading?"


Allen blinked as he stifle a laugh at her older sister's answer. He thought that all of her answers was so like her. But nonetheless, he's glad that he didn't irritate her and she answered it patiently.

Silence filled again as no one let out their voices. They enjoy the comfortable silence along with the sounds of bird chirping like they're singing and the sound of nature that makes them relax.


Kian narrow his eyes at Aliciel with a crossed arms. He later sigh and facepalm at the work that the teacher gave them.

It's a team assignment consist 2 students on different grades. Coincidentally, they were paired up.

Kian ran his hand through his hair. "Why did they always stick me up around you?" he growled.

Alicel feel the urge to roll her eyes but she didn't and maintain her annoyance. "It's the teacher's arrangement and I respect them." she explained even though there's a slight annoyance on her tone much to Kian's dismay.

"Yeah right." he said in a 'duh' tone. When his sapphire eyes meet her ruby one, he's lost in her eyes. It's glimmering and beautiful. Ruby, red, or scarlet. Her snow hair made it perfect and match her eyes. Ruby eyes, the symbol of the Blacker Dukedom.

While he's lost in her eyes, Aliciel frown and her frown successfully shake Kian off to the reality. "So? Are we going to finish this assignment together or you prefer it I let you work alone?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Why did she become so cold over a night?" Kian sigh tiredly and look at her. He scratch the back of his neck as a distraction. "So, shall we get started?"

Aliciel nodded briefly while holding the book. It's a task they have to finish together.

They have to write on the book about the neighbouring Empire that takes 1 month to get there.

The Eclat Empire.

There are two Empire ruling over all, the Fyrst Empire where Aliciel and the others live, and the Eclat Empire.

They have to read necessary things and write it down on the book together. In reality, It's a fun task for most of the students.

But not for Aliciel or Kian.

Kian casually sit on the library chair as Aliciel follow his lead and sit across him. She open the book as well Kian.

"So first, who is the current Emperor of Eclat Empire?" Aliciel asked with a raised eyebrow while preparing her pen.

"It's Axelion De Eclat." Kian replied lazily while looking at the book. He just prefer it from another kingdom from inside their own Empire, but why did the teacher ask them to write history of another Empire?

It's bugging him and he's lazy to learn another Empire especially after learning all kingdoms inside Fyrst Empire makes him sleep for half of the day.

"So, what did he do?" Aliciel asked with a raised eyebrow.

"He has many achievements as the Emperor and create new things." he said much to Aliciel's dismay.

"Can you please explain the new things in detail?" she asked politely enough to make Kian growled.

But in their little heart, they really enjoy each other's company and grateful for the task they were given.

"I guess this is not really bad at all." the two of them thought in unison as their lips form a small smile on their face.

Aliciel remembering that her world now is real and not the world of game. It strangely calm her down but at the same time, she's still scared they would suddenly kill her out of nowhere.

But Kian's words that day help her so much even if he didn't notice it. It sounds stupid but it surprisingly reassure her.

Reminding that being tied down to something and then changing yourself wouldn't lead to the same ending.

She never thought of that because no one ever said that to her. Little did Kian knows that his words meant so much for her.

Maybe anyone in her shoe would scoff at him and telling him that they didn't know anything or would still avoid them like a plague.

Anyone wouldn't understand.

But Aliciel have a soft heart.

So it helps her to calm down, a lot.

But still,

There's the slightest fear inside of her.

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