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Third POV

Valen look at her with wide smile. "Yo! What are the daughter of the Ducal Blacker doing here?"

Aliciel grit her teeth in annoyance and glare him. "Are you blind? I'm attending the school." she replied while looking at him.

"Oh yeah, congratulations for the remarried Duke! Send my congratulatory for him!" Aliciel's eyes widened in surprised at his words. Valen's eyes also widened his eyes and gasp on purpose. "Oh gosh.. I forgot.." he said as he look at her. "Your mother just passed away and the Duke remarried." he smiled at her playfully.

Aliciel close her eyes. "...crazy bastard..." she thought then she look at him. "I know that you're a crown prince and all. And I'm the same as rude as you. But please don't brought up my mother." she said, irritated. Aliciel stood up making Valen surprised a bit. "Then, if you're done mocking me, I have my leave." she bow politely and left him.

Valen's eyes widened. "They said... she doesn't have a good relationship with her biological mother... I guess rumours can't be trusted..." he thought while looking at her. "...I fucked up big time.." he sweat drop and regret the things that he said.

"Prince! There you are!"

"Wow Darren, I told you not to follow me everywhere I go. I know you'll be exhausted." Valen smiled playfully at his personal attendant.

"Please your highness, do not disappear again!" he shouted desperately.

"Well, I won't promise that, but I will make it a try." Valen shrugged and look at the path that Aliciel disappear to. He scratch the back of his head. "...I think I will have to apologize..." he thought as he let out a long sigh. "Let's leave."


Aliciel walk towards the class while thinking about Allen. "I wonder what is Allen doing...? He didn't make any trouble right? Are the maids treating him fairly?" she thought worriedly.

When she wants to turn around the corner, she bumped into someone who has silver hair that is a bit similar to Aliciel's hair and emerald eyes that her appearance makes Aliciel's heart drop and her eyes widen in surprised.

"I-I'm terribly sorry!" the person who she bumped into bowed apologetically.

Aliciel narrow her eyes. "...She's none other than the heroine of the otome game, Nora Bright...!" she thought while looking at the said person. Aliciel let out a long sigh. "Can this day just get any worse?" she asked to herself and mentally facepalm. "That's fine, just be careful next time." she said politely.

"A-ah.. y-yes. I'm sorry." Nora apologized again with another bow. Aliciel walk passed Nora as she look at Aliciel's figure disappearing from her side.

Aliciel grit her teeth as shiver run down her spine. "It's really happening like in the game..." she thought nerveously and bit her bottom lip. "There are one heroine and 4 Capture Targets. The Heroine. The Crown Prince. The Second Prince. The Student Council President. The Heir of Blacker Dukedom. In this life, I already met Nora., Valen and my little brother, Allen. I just have to avoid two more capture targets...."


"Oy." a familiar voice called out as Aliciel sigh and turned her head towards the one who called her.

"That was the plan but... Why is the capture target here!? Kian Harvey." Aliciel mentally facepalm as she look at him. "Is there something you need, President?" she asked slightly irritated.

Kian sigh as he crossed his arms. "I think there's a rule that says 'Students can't roaming around the Hermaine Garden'." he said while looking at Aliciel.

Aliciel widened her eyes and look around. "I thought this is Evans Garden! All garden looks the same!!!" she thought with a long sigh. "It seems my ignorance lead myself to create a mistake." she apologized indirectly. "Ignorance my foot! It's because all garden almost look the same here!!!" she thought and mentally slap herself.

Kian look at her with a raise eyebrow. "Tch. Next time don't use your 'Ignorance' as an excuse. I hate people who disobey rules like you." he frown at her sight as Aliciel gulp at his statement.

"This is bad... He will eventually hate me and break my neck to death!!!!" she thought as shiver run down her spine. "...Then, I should think of another excuse next time." Aliciel said as she get up from her seat and look at him face to face. "I wish you have a good day, President." she slightly bow and turned around to leave.

Kian narrow his eyes at her sight. "That girl, she's getting on my nerves...!" he grit his teeth as he walk towards the opposite way of Aliciel's path.


Aliciel look at her own reflection on the tea. "...this is tiring..." she said with a light smile and look at the book she read. Then, she let out a long sigh. "It would be nice if I could achieve a happy end with someone like the Heroine." she thought as she take the cup of tea and drink it.

"Being Aliciel is really painful." she look outside through the window. "Aliciel became a Villainess out of hatred for her father. And that hatred lead her to hate Allen, that's why she started to bully him very bad. She would let Allen eat rotten food or sleep in the attic without blanket when winter comes. It's true that she made Allen's life miserable." she sigh tiredly.

"In Allen's route, she disagree the relationships between the Nora and Allen because the Nora is only the illegitimate child of a baron."

"In Valen's route, Aliciel fell in love with the Crown Prince. She didn't cling into him though.. she just wished she would be loved by him or Valen would return her love. But Valen fell in love with Nora and that made Aliciel goes mad."

"In the second Prince route, Aliciel will fell in love with the second Prince. And just like Valen's case, she wished to be loved by him as well. But Nora came and capture the heart of the second Prince. That goes the same for Kian's route."

"I just need to know what route the Heroine will be on and I should keep my distance."

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