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Third POV

Aliciel sit one her bed, contemplating every words Helen said. Beside her is the very same doll that her father search desperately to match the rabbit character on her favourite story book.

Tears start to stream down her face and guilt take all over her. She start to sob louder and regret every words she thought, every words she spoke to her father.

She felt like someone strangled her and try to catch her breath. She wipe off the tears that keeps to stream down her face non-stop.

A knock on the door make her freeze on her spot as she pull out the blanket and cover her figure. "C-come in..." she stuttered as she ask whoever that knock to come in.

The door creak open and a worried familiar voice ask her, "Aliciel, are you alright?" a reassuring, soft voice asked her worriedly.

She recognised who's the voice belongs to. Her step-mother.

"I'm alright." she replied briefly, trying to avoid her in every way possible. She was still overwhelmed by all the father mother thing and now comes another one.

Unfortunately, her words is not enough to make her stepmother leave because her footsteps getting closer and closer.

She feel a warm side hug from her stepmother. "...I'm sorry." her stepmother suddenly apologised. "But this time, I couldn't take it and I want to reassure you that everything is going to be fine."

Her words make Aliciel's eyes widen in surprise. She freeze on spot at the shocking statement.

"I always feel something from you towards me. Hatred. I don't want you to hate me more that's why I ignore you. But this time when you cried, I couldn't take it anymore. Please forgive my rudeness." her warm, soft voice calm Aliciel as she apologised.

Strangely, Aliciel feel the warmth of a mother from her stepmother. She never knew the reason why her step-mother always try to avoid her.

It's because her step mother already know that Alicel hates her so she doesn't want Aliciel to hate her more, that's why she didn't push herself to be a goody loving mother for Aliciel.

They only have their own thoughts, afraid that they would make mistake, that's why they stayed silent.

Maybe it's on the bloodline of a Blacker.


Alice look at the white rabbit doll she received from her father. She couldn't believe it. Guilt dwelled inside her that she thought bad things about her own father.

After all, all family isn't always perfect.

Th father made mistakes, the mother had fault, and the child stick to ignorance.

She built up her courage and stood up from her bed as she take the rabbit and make her way to her father's office for the first time in such a long time.

She knock swiftly on the door, waiting for her father to call her in and he did. She open the door to be greeted by the familiar ruby eyes that widen his eyes in surprise that she just entered his office.


Aliciel walk towards his table and show him the doll. His father's eyes widen once again as kind of emotions filled him when he saw the doll he bought for a 1 year old Aliciel that is similar to her favourite picture book.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Aliciel asked, her voice contain sadness. Tears threaten to fall but she doesn't let them.

She want answer.

Her father look confused of what words he could utter. He's too shocked that she already knew everything. Aliciel grew impatient as she clench her fist.


"...Even if I explain it to you.. I'm afraid that it would make you hate me more. Saying that I did it to protect you from your mother..." he run his hand through his hair. "...You'll think I'm a crazy old bastard."

Her eyes widen at his statement. Maybe if he really explain it to her, she'll grow to hate him more and think that he's crazy.

She couldn't hold it any longer as tears threaten to fall from her eyes and running down her cheek.

She cover her eyes with her hand to wipe off the tears away using the fabric of her dress. "..But.. why didn't you say anything?" she stuttered as she sob. Guilt burden her but at the same time, anger arose.

The Duke look at her with guilt as well. He stood up from his seat and slowly embrace Aliciel. "...I'm truly sorry that..." he closed his eyes and pat her head. "I haven't been a good father..." he sincerely apologised.

Both of them are right yet in the same time, both of them are wrong. No one is perfect after all.

The guilt that shouldered her father is thousand times heavier than anything. But just so Aliciel know that he can become the villain one day to protect Aliciel. He thought that feelings was not needed and that her protection comes first.

Aliciel hesitate to hug him back but her little heart wish to hug him really tight and happy to know that her father loves her nonetheless.

She slowly raise her hand and hug her father back in a warm hug of a family. She can't be mad at her father again because she couldn't. She has a little soft heart inside that strong figure. She also couldn't hate her mother because above all else, her mother also loves her.

Maybe if it was for another person, they won't forgive it easily. But she was burdened with guilt and that guilt lead her way to forgive him.

In the beginning, she was blessed to have a loving family.

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