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Third POV

"She's a witch!"

"Maybe she used some curse or black magic towards his majesty!"

"I bet she just wants her son to be the Crown Prince."


"Go away bitch!"

The people throw rocks at her, making her bleed. Her hair was pulled and they throw her on the ground. They hit her and step on her until they was satisfied.

Calling her a wicked witch.

They won't stop laughing, throwing rocks, stepping on her until she die.

"This is what she gets after seducing the Emperor, taking away the Empress's place, and make her child the heir of the Empire."

The truth is, she never even once thought about seducing the Emperor or taking the Empress's place.

It was the Emperor who treat her like that for her to give birth to the heir because they thought the Empress was sterile.

She's was on the ground, couldn't stand up anymore, her ribs was broken, her face was full of bruises, and she just gave birth to her son.

The Emperor loves her, but when she gave birth to a son, the heir to the throne, his love vanish like it was never in the first place.

Her eyes started to get blurry from all the headache and her bleeding head. She was fragile and she just gave birth, which make people dance in amusment on torturing her.

The sound of her breathing becomes heavier, she felt like her heart beat is going to stop anytime soon.

Until she stopped moving and her last breath leave her body.

The day the Crown Prince was born, his mother, Liliane Hyde, died by people throwing rocks and stepping on her without mercy.

Yet, she didn't curse or get angry at anyone. She didn't blame it on someone. She was never angry at the world.

'A Delusional Witch'

That's what they called her.

Liliane was kicked out from her own household and was put in that state.

It was never her fault that she was on that state after giving birth to Valen.


Valen look outside the window, enjoying the nature as he feels something nostalgic calling him. He sigh as he want to turn his back but his eyes catch a certain someone familiar with white snowy hair and ruby eyes.

His black-reddish eyes look at her as they observe her movement. Reading.

Valen look at her hesitantly and sigh afterwards. He make his way as he exit the building and walk towards where Aliciel is.

"Lady Blacker." he called softly in front of her as Aliciel lift her head to be greeted by his eyes. There's a hint of guilt inside it.

"...yes?" she replied politely, waiting for his answer patiently.

"And again, I'm terribly sorry that I speak as I wish about your late mother. I didn't mean that." he apologised sincerely as guilt burdened him. He knows very well how hurt it is to lost a mother.

Aliciel sigh deeply, getting tired of his apologies. But she knows that he's sincere about it and truly apologised for it. Knowing his own mother history, Aliciel understand what he's been through.

She lift her head and look at him. "...It's alright. I apologised for ignoring your sincere apologies. Half of it was my fault as well."

Valen's eyes widen. "No, actually it's my fault. I just encounter you there and I'm bored so I dug your ducal family a bit in my head and spoke as I wish." he sigh as he shakes his head at his own stupid actions.

Alice just give him a slight nod at his statement. Valen give her a grin. "So now it's a clear misunderstanding, I'm going to sit right here!" he said as he sit casually beside Aliciel making her eyes widen but quickly cover it.

"How's your mother like?" Valen asked out of nowhere.

"I don't know her very well. But when she was alive, knowing she cared is enough." she replied. "What about you?" she asked him back as his eyes widen at her question. He thought she wouldn't ask it back or ask something else.

Valen laugh. "I don't know... I'm sure she's a great mother."

Alice's gaze directed on the book. "Liliane Hyde. It's the name of Valen's mother..."

"I never thought we're going to move on the next grade this soon." he smiled while looking at the blue sky. He always enjoy watching the sky. Whether it's sad or happy. Whether it's sunny or rainy.

"Maybe this is a good sign of friendship we'll formed." he added, with a satisfying smile. He turned his head as he look at Aliciel.

Then, he handed out his hand for her to shake. Aliciel look at him questioningly. "Come on, it's the sign of fresh start of a good connections or friendship." he shrugged with a smile.

Aliciel hesitate for a bit but she nod as she handed out her hand and shake his hand. He smiled at her.

Sign of a good relationship they will have.


Lula's eyes widen in surprised at one more figure joining the group. She look at them with narrow eyes. "Hmm.. Lady Aliciel, Young Master Allen, Sir Harvey, Lady Bright, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." she smiled pointing them one by one.

Lula smiled at the sight of them chatter together happily and laugh without a care in the world.

"It's a good sign."

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