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Aliciel form a small smile while looking at Allen. "...Is it delicious?"

Allen's gaze directed at her and smiled warmly. "Yes it is."

"Allen." Aliciel called briefly as Allen look at her.

"Yes, sister?"

Aliciel stood up from her seat and walk towards him. "Can you stood up?" she asked nicely as Allen look at her questioningly but stood up from his seat nonetheless.

Without further notice, Aliciel raise her hand weakly and embrace him much to his surprise.

It's probably their first hug in 3 years of being a family.

Allen was quite taken aback but happiness dwelled inside him while feeling the warmth of his sister.

He also raise his hand to embrace her back. He never hug her before so he's really happy about it.

"...if you want a hug for comfort, for warmth, or just for your own, I'll be there for you." she embraced him tighter. "...I'm sorry that I haven't been a good sister..." she apologized with a small smile plastered on her face.

"I promise to you that I'll be the best sister you'll ever have." she said while stroking his hair softly. "...because you're my family."

Allen's eyes widen while holding back the tears that would stream down his face at any moment. Instead, he keep silent all the time.

'You're already the best sister and family I have.'

It's been a while since the siblings had their chance to have lunch with each other and talked about themselves. Aliciel always feel comfortable around Allen and the other way around.


About Kian, he is graduating soon so he's a lot busier at the current time. Kian and Aliciel could only exchange letters with each other but both of them are happy that way.

Aliciel chuckle at the new letter Kian send her. That caught Lula's attention and smiled at Aliciel who turned happier each day.

Aliciel take her pen and a blank note as she started to write a reply for his letter.


In class, Nora always ask Aliciel about the academic problems and always stick with Aliciel, afraid something like the hunting event would repeat.

"Lady Aliciel, yesterday I meet someone near my household, she's really a nice lady and somehow she found~"

Aliciel already used to her presence and didn't mind her at all, way inside her heart, Alicile quite happy about it as she continue to hear her talking about something.

Everything's going well again like it used to be.

Instead, it becomes a lot better than before as they relationship start to grow for the better.


"What should we do?"

"I thought the Crown Prince was dead."

"He needs to die."

"But we can't just straightly kill him. He has the support of most aristocrats and the Blacker Dukedom."

"But we have Harvey Household to support his highness Vilanc."

"...You all know that Prince Valen is awfully close with Lady Blacker right?"

"What are you planning?"

"Consider Lady Blacker is close with Prince Valen, then she must be important. We could kidnap her to lure Prince Valen and kill both of them. It's also a plus since Lady Blacker is from the Blacker Dukedom."

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