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Third POV

Not long after the school assignment trip, Aliciel and Nora returned back to the Academy to submit their report. And as expected, they got the highest score in their class much to Aliciel's satisfaction.

At the current time, all students were excited for the Academy Hunting Event. Where the students from the third and fourth grade will be given the opportunity to hunt animals as additional value which is only classified to male students of third and fourth grade. The venue was not in the school, but in a forest near a cliff.

For the female students third and fourth grade, they will make a handkerchief for the male students if one male student asks for it and if the female student accept it. The male students most likely received it after the hunting.

Aliciel sigh tiredly as she lay on her bed, thinking about the hunting event because outdoor activities is not her cup of tea, especially the hunting events.

Logically, it's a bit dangerous to participate in it.

"Guess I should just go along with it." Aliciel form a small smile, somehow a little excitement dwelled inside her, unconsciously waiting for the hunting day to come.


Aliciel walk around the school garden to be greeted by Valen. Valen smiled widely and waved at her as Aliciel only sigh at their somehow, frequent meetings.

"Greetings Lady Aliciel." he greeted her excitedly as Aliciel mentally facepalm.

"...Greetings, Prince Valen." nonetheless, she greeted him back halfheartedly.

Valen notice that and chuckle at her obvious behavior. He step closer to her and smile.

"Will you make a handkerchief for me?"

The moment he asked that, Aliciel's eyes widen in surprise as she lift her head to look at him in the eyes.

Valen look at her lovingly with a small smile plastered on his face. "...Well?" he asked again, shaking Aliciel from her thoughts to reality.

"A-ah..." Aliciel stuttered for the first time as she avoid eye contact. Maybe she's a bit shy that one of the third grade male students actually asked her to embroider a handkerchief.

Then, she turned her head towards him and sigh afterwards. "...Alright."

Valen's eyes sparkled at the answer. "Wohooo! Now, no one can ask you to make it because I already asked you first!" he smiled widely, proudly. "Don't mind me, I'm going to brag it to everyone."

Aliciel's eyes widen. "What? You better not." she glared him with her ruby eyes as Valen chuckle at her cute behaviour.

He raise his hand and pat her head. "...Thank you." he give her a wide grin as Aliciel form a really small smile. "I can't wait to receive it. I'll hunt dragons for you." he joked much to Aliciel's dismay.

"That's impossible. Just bring me a bear and grilled it." she said while slapping Valen's hand from her head softly.

Valen blinked and burst into laughter. "G-grilled it!? You don't want to use his head or something as decoration!?"

"I prefer it to change into food."

"Right, right."


Finally, the day of the Hunting Event comes. All of the students prepared their carriage and went their way towards the hill of Fyrst.

It was crowded with teachers, knights, and third to fourth grade students, that is including Nora, Aliciel, Kian, and Valen.

Though Kian was a bit dissapointed since Aliciel going to make handcrief for Valen, so Kian asked Nora to make him one.

While Kian and Valen prepared for the hunting event, Aliciel and Nora prepared to make the handcrief inside a luxurious building located in that hill with the other female students.

"Lady Aliciel, what kind of handcrief you would embroider for Prince Valen!?" Nora asked with a wide smile.

"...I guess i would do the Fyrst flower."

"The one with gold-reddish colours!? It's like the colour Prince Valen's eyes!" she beamed cheerfully as Aliciel just nodded.

"What about you?" Aliciel asked as she turned towards Nora.

"The Bougainvillea flower with the light magenta colour. Since Sir Kian has light magneta eye colour." she explained as Aliciel form a small smile.

'I hope Valen would like this' Aliciel thought while making the handcrief carefully, in case she would create a mistake.

Surprisingly, Aliciel only make that within 20 minutes as Nora compliment her multiple times at her talent.

Aliciel put the handcrief on her pocket and stood up making Nora turned her head towards her questioningly. "Is there something wrong, Lady Aliciel?" she asked worriedly as Aliciel shakes her head.

"No, nothing's wrong." she replied briefly. 'I'm bored.' she thought as she exit the room to be greeted by the knights who bowed at her presence.

She walk outside the building and look around only to be surrounded by trees everywhere.

She get confused that there's no guards around the building as she sigh and walk into the forests.

'This forest is different right? From the hunting area, I mean?' she thought while she make her way, avoding branches and leaves as she walk straight to nowhere.

Somehow, the area around is calming and warm until her eyes widen as she found a big cliff but amaze at the sight.

'Isn't this the cliff that separates the Elora Kingdom and the capital of the palace?' she asked to herself as she look around the cliff and smiled, amaze by the sight. It's not scary, yet the underneath, it's filled with trees.

"Aliciel?" a familiar voice called as she turned her head looking towards the figure. "What are you doing here?"

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