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Third POV


She look around confusedly at the empty space. The voice that called her sounded warm and tender. The surrounding that surrounds her is pure white filled with a blue bright sky.

It's the moment that she realises this is the real Aliciel's dream.

"If I leave this world, I promise I wouldn't leave your side. Because mother loves you." her mother said softly while brushing her hair.

Little Aliciel only nodded at her statement, not knowing what that statement truly means.

Seeing her mother getting beat often hurts her, she knows that her father didn't like her mother from the beginning.

Even went as far giving her rotten food on her sick days.

Aliciel open her eyes to be greeted by the familiar ceiling. Tears start to run down her cheek as she slowly get up and rub her eyes. "Another dream about mother..." she thought with a smile but that smile turn into a frown, "And that bastard.."

Sometimes, she would dream good things about her mother and would often talk to her. She would feel the warmth and kindness that she receive from her mother.

And other times, she would dream about her mother getting hit by her father infront of her own eyes.

"Mother..." she grip the blanket tightly. "Why did you leave me alone in this hell?"


Aliciel sigh with a bored expression as she look at the bouquet of flowers infront of her. She take out the small note that stuck on the flowers.

Dear Lady Aliciel Blacker...

I know it's bold but I fell in love at you at first sight. I hope you would meet me at xxxxx on xx:xx. I would like to discuss for our future engagement if you do and wish to be with me.

Reiren Vincel.

Aliciel torn the papers into pieces and throw the flowers in the trash bin. "He's even lower than my status, how could ask me for an engagement? He thought I was easy enough to use?" Aliciel thought while looking at the flowers inside the trash bin. "Not to mention it's the 5th letter I receive today. It's getting annoying every week." she growl and went to bed.

It's true that among nobles, Aliciel's presence is quite breathtaking and catches everyone's attention.

Because of her status from the Ducal, they tend to observe her. That's what made Aliciel uncomfortable with all the stares but came to accept it.

Even with her rude demeanor, they willing to pull her into an engagement to use her status as their own support.


"As you can see, this is the Evan's Library." Kian said while showing the whole library to Aliciel.

"I know."

"Can you just shut up while I'm giving you a tour...!?" he asked, slightly irritated.

Aliciel crossed her arms. "It's unnecessary. I already know every part of this school including where is your dorm." she said bluntly making Kian flushed.

"W-w-what did you say...!?" he asked, embarrassed by her words.

"And it's already passed a week. I don't need your guidance." she said with a raised eyebrow.

"I-I'm just helping you since you're new here!"

"Really? Then should I thank you?"

"Fine! Just go ahead and get lost!"

"Then, excuse me." Aliciel answered as she turned around to leave him.

Kian's eyes widened in surprised at how she take his words that serious. He facepalm later on. "I'm only trying to being nice! Why is it so hard!!!" he asked to himself and rub his hair multiple times in frustration.


Aliciel look at the whole book that she's carrying. It look heavy buy she did it anyways. Fortunately, Valen comes and take half of the book she's carrying making her eyes widened in surprised.

"Your highness?"

"Hey, it looks heavy. I just like to help. Please don't complain." he said straightly while looking at her.

She didn't say anything nor look at him and just focus on the book she's carrying. After they put down the books, Valen was quite surprised at the content.

"...History of God? I didn't know you're quite into this." he said while taking one of the book.

"It's interesting." she replied as she sit on the seat and starts to read some. "I just want to know why I got reincarnated into this world since I died once." she thought with a sigh.

Valen take a look one of the book that catches his eyes. "Lady Aliciel, do you believe that people get a second life or rebirth. Some kind of reincarnation?" he asked curiously as Aliciel look at him.

"I do." she replied sternly.

Valen narrow his eyes. "What makes you believe that?"

"It's just a believe."


"So, why do you keep approaching me? I thought I stated clearly that I don't need an apology." she said with icy stare at Valen's eyes widened and chuckled a little.

"I just want to do good deeds as an apology. It's not like that I'm attracted to you. So, just don't get full of yourself." he said with directed eye contact.

"Sure." she replied nonchalantly as her gaze directed towards the context of book.


"So for today's task, the young ladies will do embroidery for a gift to your father." the teacher explained while looking at the whole class. "You can do your own family's crest or anything you desire."

Aliciel sigh in boredom. "Maybe I should make it and show it to the teacher and get the score, and throw it away." she thought while looking at the teacher.

"If you finish with the handcrief, please hand them over to me first to get the mark. May the best have the highest score." the teacher said as the students nodded in understanding.

Aliciel stood up and take her book as she headed towards her dorm while thinking of what she would make. "I'll just make it simple. My family crest would be enough." she thought with a sigh, knowing that this task is useless.

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