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Third POV

Meanwhile in the Palace, everyone was busy finding Lady Aliciel Blacker and Crown Prince Valen d'Fyrst.

Because Valen is the heir to the throne and Aliciel is the daughter from the Blacker Dukedom.

They disappeard at the same time during the hunting event.

Everyone was busy searching for them everywhere and every places of the event. The people who searches for them the most is Nora Bright, Kian Harvey, the Emperor, and the Ducal Blacker.

But they don't have any clue where could Aliciel and Valen be at the moment.


Vilanc throw the glass to one of the assassins angrily. "I ordered you all only to kill Valen!" he shouted angrily.

He's currently at his own base at the basement of the Imperial Palace, so no one would bother him or heard him shouting and throwing tantrums to someone.

"....W-we deeply apologise Your Highness!" they apologised sincerely as Vilanc grit his teeth and clench his fist angrily.

He inhale and exhale to come himself down as he look at them, more collected and calm. "...Explain the whole situation."

One of the assassin trembled as he step forward and look at Vilanc in the eyes. "...W-when we arrived at the hunting place to assassinate Prince Valen b-but... Lady Blacker already there talking with him. When I want to shoot Prince Valen with the arrow, he pull Lady Blacker and at the same time, dodge the arrow that might hurt both of them..." he explained nerveously.

"...Then, he talk to Lady Backer and fight us with his sword. He's also a bit tired from the hunting event so we got more chances to push him on the corner. When I want to shoot the arrow at him again, Lady Aliciel notice my actions and protect Prince Valen..." his gaze directed downwards and trembled in fear.

"S-so I accidentally shot the arrow on her shoulder..."

Vilanc's eyes getting darker by each words the assassin said but he managed to control himself from going on rampage and slice off the assassin's mouth and hands.

The assassin notice the silence as the reason for him to continue. "...after that, the soil below Prince Valen began to shatter as he f-fell off the cliff but Lady Blacker manage to catch him. Unfortunately, the two of them got d-dragged to fall and then fell into the cliff t-together." he finished the story as he gulp.

"...Useless assassins." Vilanc mutter under his breath as he pinch his nose to calm himself down.

'...Somehow... Lady Aliciel is the only one I don't want to kill...' he thought to himself and look at all of his underlings.

"Find the two of them within 2 days. If you all failed to find Lady Blacker or found cold and lifeless body of hers, say bye bye to your arms and tongue. For Valen, if you find him dead or alive, bring him. If you all failed to find him, I can say the same thing. If you all don't find them within 2 days and they were found first, let's just say that you're lucky."

Vilanc needed Valen's presence to make sure if he's alive or dead, because if they failed to find Valen, Vilanc couldn't be so sure whether Valen is alive or dead.

"This is your last chance ."

"Yes, Your Highness, Thank you for your kindness!"


Allen look at Kian worriedly. "Still no clue?" he asked as his gaze went to the stack of papers.

"No." Kian shakes his head, frustrated as Allen sigh and sit beside Nora.

"I don't know where Lady Aliciel went to days ago." Nora said as guilt dwelled inside her. "I-I should've force myself to come with her..." she said while covering her face.

Allen pat her shoulder reassuringly. "It's not your fault, Lady Nora. My sister and His Highness are a strong person. Even if they were to fall off from the cliff, I'm sure they're still alive. You do remember that inside the cliff there are many trees and branches that will catch them." Allen reasoned her reasonably.

"And we already send knights to check below the cliff using the path that connected to enter the cliff safely. I'm sure they'll be alright." Kian smiled widely as Nora smile and nodded.

"Yes. I'm sure they're alright! We have to be strong and keep searching!"


Aliciel look at the trees nearby as sigh of relief escaped her mouth. Valen who just finished eating sit beside her while looking at the dark sky that is filled with stars.

"...When do you think we're going back?" Valen asked indicating that they can go back anytime they want.

"To be honest, I liked it here. There's only one house with an old lady that take care of us like her own grandchildren, no other villages or people to bother us, calming nature with many trees, no politics, and live lazily." she chuckle at the end of her lines.

Valen laugh as well by her statement and thinking that it's kind of the truth. "Maybe we can run together to escape that hell." he added with a wide smile.

"But..." the two of them said at the same time with a sad smile.

"I have a little brother to take care of and a friend. I just found out that all this time, I misunderstood my own family and I don't want to leave them."

"I have to go back and become the Emperor to honour my mother. Or else it will become bloody with Vilanc out there as the Emperor."

The two of them reasoned sadly as they smile at each other and chuckle.

"...Life sure is cruel." Valen said while leaning himself on the wall behind him comfortably.

Aliciel only nod in agreement. "No matter how much we want to stay here, in the end, we have to go back." Alicel added as Valen nod.

They look at each other and smile.

"Guess we have to go back."

_______________________ _ __

Note : This is a new chapter, the old chapters are moved to other book because of errors but the content is the same.

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