30 | END

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Aliciel's eyes widen at another man behind Valen who is ready to stab him with a sword on his hand.


Valen let his guard loose as he felt something piercing through his stomach. He coughed up blood as he feel weak in the knees and collapse on the cold, hard floor.

Not only a normal sword that pierce through him, that sword contains poison that make Valen weak on the spot.

Tears start to stream down Aliciel's eyes as she look at the scene. She crawl slowly to reach him but the man beside her and the man behind Valen notice her movement as the man behind Valen pull Valen's collar to be greeted by Aliciel's ruby eyes.

But something that is going to occur behind Aliciel's made Valen's eyes went wide, horrified.

"A-Aliciel. . .!"

He manage to croaked out desperately as Aliciel's collar was pulled backwards to a kneeling position.

"Guess we should finish off the Lady."

The man smirked in amusement while preparing the iron bat that is on his hand.

"Because, Lady's first."

Aliciel's eyes widen, terrified of the iron bat that the man holds, getting ready to hit her with it.

Before the man could even hit her with the iron bat, she weakly turned her head towards Valen and give him a warm smile plastered on her face for the first time in her life.

"....I love you."

She whispered, loud enough for him to hear as the iron bat on the man's hand make its way to hit her head, hard.

Her vision gets blurry while feeling the urge to vomit but instead, she fell off to the cold floor unconsciously as a lot of blood begin to stream down her face from her head because of the damage.

The damage being hit by an iron bat on the head is a lot worse than it seems.

Her head was throbbing from the pain, her ribs were aching from the beating, and her body, especially her head and forehead, were dried with blood as more blood seeping out from her head.

Valen look at the scene that occurs infront of him. The world seems to stop in Valen's eyes. He grit his teeth in anger and gather all the strength he has left to get out from the man's grip that holds him.

He turned his head towards the man as his intimidating aura lingering around him. "...die..."

That's when he lost it.


He exclaimed as rage dwelled inside him as if Valen was never poisoned in the first place and all the injuries already disappear.

It was as if he turned into a wild animal, he take his sword as he turned his head and slice off the man's eyes that stabbed him.

Without any hesitation and eyes filled with pure rage, he stab him in the eyes as the man yelled in pain while touching his bleeding eyes as the man stumble backwards.

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