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Third POV

Nora look at the clock and smiled at Allen. "It's lunch time." she informed him. "I will lead you to the cafeteria."

Allen smiled at her. "Is that so? I'm grateful for that."

The two of them headed to the cafeteria to be greeted by a bunch of crowds. Allen look at all the food the school served and was quite impressed by it.

"Where do you want to sit?" Nora asked to Allen.

Allen look around the cafeteria and spotted a familiar snowy white hair. His eyes lit up at his older sister's presence. "It's sister." he thought while looking at her.

But his happy smile turned into a sad one the moment he realize that she's eating alone. "...so it's true that she doesn't have any friends..." Allen thought sadly. "Let's go right over there. It's my older sister." Allen said while pointing at Aliciel who is sitting on her chair alone.

Nora's eyes widened. "She's your older sister...!?" she whispered yelled with wide eyes.

Allen look at her questioningly. "Yes, is there something wrong?" he asked.

"N-no, I met her on our first day of school, after that, I rarely meet her again. She's the top student of out year." she informed excitedly. Allen's eyes widen in surprise at the information. "She's really cool..." Nora cheered silently for Aliciel.

Allen's lips form a light smile. "She is truly a cool person." he thought as he and Nora walk towards Aliciel's table.

Aliciel notice their presence and turned her head towards them. "...So Nora's route is with Allen...?" she thought to herself while looking at them.

"Good day, sister." Allen greeted her with a smile.

"G-good day." Nora bow slightly, nervous because it's the second time she could get this close with Aliciel.

"Good day." Aliciel greeted them nonchalantly, didn't bother to look at them and focuses on eating her food. After that, silence filled between the three of them. Not that Aliciel minded though.

"...Can I sit here?" Allen asked while looking at her, though there's a hint of desperation in his eyes. Nora nodded at his statement, waiting for Aliciel's answer.


She frown at their sight. "There's many unoccupied seats. Why bother to sit with me?" she asked spitefully making the two of them widened their eyes. "I don't want him to kill me later if I said something offensive to Nora." she thought to herself.


Afterwards, Allen and Nora decided to eat at the garden. Allen sigh tiredly as he turned his head towards Nora.

"I deeply apologise." he apologised to Nora.

Nora look at him with wide eyes. "No, no! It's not Sir Blacker's fault. And I'm quite used people saying that to me, so I think I can relate with Lady Blacker." she smiled awkwardly.

Allen look at her questioningly. "What do you mean?" he asked curiously.

Nora's gaze directed downward. "Do you know Baron Bright?"

"Yes, I do. It's your father right?"

Nora nodded. "Yes it's my father. But I don't really have a good relationship with him nor my relatives." she explained with an awkward smile.


"It's because I'm an illegitimate child." the moment she said that, Allen's eyes went wide. "My mother died after giving birth to me so my father take me in. Well, I have a younger step sister and step older brother. I tried my best at everything but we just don't get along well." she explained while scratching her cheek.

Allen give her a sad smile. "I guess I can relate to you as well." he said. Nora look at him with wide eyes making Allen chuckle. "Just like you, I'm also an illegitimate child." he said truthfully, leaving Nora in shock.

"...You are?"

"Yes. It got spread already but I'm suprised you didn't know that." he laugh at his own statement. "It's nice knowing you, Lady Nora Bright." he smiled at her as Nora returned the smile.

"Nice meeting you too, Sir. Blacker. I hope you can tell me a bit about Lady Blacker." she give him a toothy smile as Allen chuckle.

"Of course I will."


Aliciel look at Kian as Kian look at her questioningly. "What did you ask again?" he asked just to make sure.

"I'm asking, who are you siding, Crown Prince Valen d'Fyrst or the second Prince Vilanc d'Fyrst?" she asked with a crossed arms.

"W-what's with the sudden question?"

"I'd like to get a proper answer."

"Ugh, so troublesome... Of course the Harvey family is siding with the second Prince." he said while scratching the back of his head.

Aliciel's eyes widen. "Then we're supposed to be enemies politically. But why does Kian's family sided with Vilanc?" she thought curiously. "Why are you siding Vilanc?"

Kian sigh at her question. "You forgot?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. "The late Empress is my mother's sister."

Aliciel look at him with wide eyes. "...I heard that Kian's mother is the former daughter of Marquess Genetta. Then, original name of the late Empress was Catelya Genetta...!?" she asked to herself, surprised. "...I'm sure that Valen's mother is the former daughter of the an Earl and she also passed away because of mental illness." she hardly thought and sigh. "This is complicated. So the point is, Kian's mother and Vilanc's mother are sister, then they're cousins so it's no question that Kian support Vilanc to take the throne. And Valen's mother is daughter of an earl. Wait.. Why am I getting caught up on this...!?"

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