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Third POV

"Good day Lady Aliciel." Valen greeted Aliciel cheerfully while Aliciel was reading her book.

Didn't bother to look at him, she ask, "What is it?" in a rude manner.

Valen sigh as he scratch his cheek nerveously. Then, he take out something from his pocket. "Here."

"What is it?" once again, she asked without looking at him as her gaze focuses on the book.

"It's sweets."

Aliciel sigh in annoyed manner. "I don't need it. Please leave." she said bluntly, still focused her gaze on the book.

Valen's eyes widened as he sigh.


Valen let out a long sigh. "I failed." he said wholeheartedly.

"You failed? Of what?" Darren asked confusedly while holding a stack of papers.

"Well, It's your fault for saying that girls likes sweets!" Valen glared him.

"But Your highness! It's true that girls likes sweets. And even if they don't, they still will accept it if it's you who give it! You know.. you have many fangirls there to the point I think I should quit this job!" Darren protested.

Valen sigh as he scratch the back of his head. "I'm planning to give it to her as an apology but she doesn't even bother to look at me." he thought and feel really guilty. "I can't just straightly apologize. I'm the Crown Prince of this Empire." it seems that his pride is higher than his feelings.

Darren just sigh as he turned his head towards the window. His eyes widened as he look at someone familiar. "Your highness..." he called as Valen turned his head towards him questioningly. "Isn't that the Baron girl?" Darren asked as Valen turned his head towards Darren's gaze.

"A girl with silver hair and emerald eyes. Nora Bright." Valen thought while looking at her but sigh afterwards. "Hey Darren.." he called as Darren turned his head towards Valen.

"Yes your highness?" he replied with a smile.

Valen smiled at him. "Do I look like I would care about that....!?" he asked, slightly irritated. "I should think a way to apologize to Lady Blacker fast! This is no laughing matter."


"My plan is to keep my distance but... the school decided to have Kian as my mentor. In this school, every new students will have a mentor for a week, kinda like upperclassmen in my modern days." Aliciel thought as she let out a long sigh. "But why it has to be him?" her gaze is on Kian.

"Listen Lady Blacker, I also don't want to be your mentor," he frown and continue. "but it's the school's decision, so it can't be helped." he shrugged with a sigh making Aliciel glare him a little. "Well, since I'm your mentor, I will tell you this. Our school will hold a festival."

"So?" she asked, uninterested.

"As the Council President, I'm just telling you that this festival is going to be attended by nobles including the Emperor." he explained as Aliciel nodded.

"The Emperor.. Valen's father." she thought while remembering events from the game.

"There's many things that we're going to make. For example, there's going to be a ball, musical show that the chosen students will show their skills or play violin in the stadium hall." he explained in detail.

"Oh.. can't wait.." she said slightly uninterested making Kian irritated.

"You don't sounded like you're looking forward to it." he said as he crossed his arms.

"I never said that I look forward to it." she replied making Kian furrow his brow.

Kian scratch the back of his neck. "Anyways, since you're from the Blacker Dukedom, you have to participate in the musical show. You can play violin or piano, or whatever you please."

"Then piano." Aliciel said while looking at him. "Now that I think about it, in the game there was such event where Aliciel asked the chosen capture targets to sit with her to watch musical performance, but of course, her request was declined."


Aliciel walk around the hallway quietly as someone suddenly popped out from nowhere infront of her but she didn't even faze.

"Hello! Aliciel Blacker." the familiar figure greeted her excitedly.

"Do you need anything from me, your highness?" Aliciel asked with a bored expression. "Or, you're not satisfied mocking me that day?" she asked sarcastically making him widen his eyes. "Can he just leave me alone?" she asked to herself.

"This is impossible..." Valen thought to himself as he sweat drop. "Listen, I apologize for what I said that day. I admit that I'm not aware of your-" before he could finish his lines, Aliciel beat him to it.

"If you're going to apologize then save it." she said coldly as she take a step forward and walk passed him.

"..she's the rudest person I've ever met." he thought as he facepalm. "I never thought apologizing to someone could be this difficult. Well, if I don't brought up her death mother, I wouldn't bother to apologize." he thought as he let out a long tired sigh.

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