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_5 Years Later

The figure with long red cape and the big crown on that symbolizes the Emperor, walk into the room to be greeted by the big hall that is full of aristocrats.

"All hail the Emperor, His Majesty, Vilanc d'Fyrst!"

In Vilanc's eyes, there's nothing.

He doesn't feel anything after what happened 5 years ago.

It's like he sealed all of his emotions, deep inside his heart.

The moment the announcer informed the new Emperor years ago, the crowds start to dwell in gossips.

"Are you really sure it's alright to let Prince Vilanc to take the throne?"

"He's the only current heir."

"Do you remember what happened years ago? Where he hunt down 5 households and killed all of them including their families in a day and hung up their bodies in the front gate after Prince Valen's and Lady Blacker's death. . . !?"

"But aren't that aristocrats is the one who participated in his late highness Prince Valen and Lady Blacker's murder?"

"He clearly execute all of them without any prove and ascend to the throne. He's the the cruelest Emperor in history!"

Looking at the Emperor seat, only makes Vilanc hated it and loathed it.

It's no question that he also cherished Aliciel and he feels the lost the most to the point he didn't even dare to show up at her grave for a visit.

When he saw Aliciel sleeping in a coffin of fragrant flowers, she looked so happy and was so beautiful that somehow, pained his heart that can't disappear for 5 years.


Allen look at the seat Aliciel used to sit and take a sip on his tea. With moist eyes and tired expression, he smiled warmly.

"Sister, why didn't you drink your tea? Is it not delicious? It's getting cold."

He asked while looking at her cup of tea that already turned cold.

Then, he chuckle.

"Why would everyone think you're dead? We just started our siblings relationship for the better 5 years ago."

If he knew their first hug would be their last hug, he definitely will hug her forever.

Nora only look at him from afar worriedly as a maid approach her.

"Duchess, we already call the doctor." the maid informed softly as Nora thanked her kindly. The maid bowed politely and left.

As Allen's wife, Nora would do anything to take care of his mental state. But seeing him like that, also makes her heart filled with pain like it's being shatter into pieces.

2 years after Aliciel's death, Allen suffered psychotic disorder. He can't tell what's real from what is imagined. Delusions are the main symptom of delusional disorder. He's unshakable beliefs in something that isn't true or based on reality.


A young knight walk through the hallway in the middle of the knight, patrolling the mansion.

Along his way, he met with a familiar figure that is walking towards him.

". . .isn't that Captain Harvey. . .?"

The young knight asked to himself as his lips form a wide smile, excitement dwell inside him that he can meet the War Hero that happened 1 year ago.

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