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Aliciel widen her eyes in surprise. "Valen?" she asked while looking at him.

Valen rushed into her. "What are you doing here!?" he shouted angrily as concern filled his eyes.

"...I got lost and there are no guards around." she replied briefly while looking at him in the eyes.

Valen facepalm as he sigh. "Aliciel, this forest is dangerous! You could've been hurt!" he said worriedly while looking at her.

It's true though, people can mistake humans as animals, it's one of the reasons why hunting is dangerous.

"...i acknowledge my mistakes. I apologise." she bow politely as Valen only look at her sadly.

Valen sigh. "Listen, it's not your fault, it's the guards." he reasoned her as guilt dwelled inside him. Aliciel only nodded apologetically.

Valen's eyes widen in realisation as he pulled Aliciel to his side, at the same time, an arrow almost got one of them as Aliciel's heart beat uncontrollably because of fear the moment she and Valen was almost killed by an arrow.

Valen clicked his tongue as he turned his head to be greeted by a few men who covered their faces and dressed all in black. All of them wield a sword and look like they're going to kill Valen at any time.

"Assassins..." Aliciel muttered under her breath while looking at them as Valen tighten his grip on her hand.

Valen chuckled. "Damn that Vilanc." he muttered under his breath, loud enough for Aliciel to hear. "Sending assassin on this kind of time." he said, slightly nervous as that caught Aliciel's attention.

'...It's Vilanc's men!?' she thought with wide eyes while looking at them. She just remembered that aside from romance, the world she reside in is still a political and dangerous.

Valen held out his sword towards them. "Guess he's not too generous this time and wants me to be killed so bad." he said, implying that Vilanc sometimes send him an assassin to end him.

"Aliciel, stay here." he ordered her as Aliciel stood behind him, frustrated that she can't do anything.

"What about Lady Blacker behind him?"

"He only ordered us to kill Prince Valen."

"Leave Lady Blacker alive, since she's not included in this plan!"

"Then, kill Prince Valen and let Lady Blacker alive."

The assassins nodded as they charge towards Valen as Valen charge towards them and begin to fight them.

He's strong enough to fight 5 men at the same time with only a sword. But he still is tired because of the hunt.

Aliciel stood there, looking around as she spotted another assassin with a bow and arrow, sitting on the tree, observing Valen's movement as she remebered where the arrow came from.

Her eyes widen as she snap her head towards Valen who is near the cliff. The moment the man set his arrow, without thinking, Aliciel run towards Valen and face him.

"Aliciel! What are you-!" before Valen could finish his sentence, the arrow that stab her shoulder that could've been pierce through Valen's heart, make his eyes widen.

But before he could say anything, the small soil that he stepped is too weak that it breaks into pieces and make him fall to the cliff but before he could fall, Aliciel grab his hand with her bloody hand as they stuck like that together.

Valen feel her blood drop on his face as his eyes widen, terrified. "Aliciel, let go!" he shouted angrily but at the same time, worries and anxiety filled inside him.

But Aliciel can't say anything as her grip tightens. She hold his hand and try to hold one of them.

"Save the Lady!"

But before they could save her, Valen and Aliciel are both dragged to fall and then fell into the cliff together.

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