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Third POV

Aliciel open her eyes to feel pain on her shoulder, hands, legs, and her back.

She weakly turn her head to the side to be greeted by Valen's face who is sleeping peacefully.

Her eye widen as she raise her hand to touch his warm hand. Tears were to stream down her face at the sight, thinking that it's her fault that they're on that situation.

"V-Valen...." she croaked out and grip his hand tightly. It's been a while since she feel like this towards someone.

She's afraid that Valen would die. But noticing he's still breathing and feel the warmth of his hand, she sigh of relief and let her tears run down her cheek freely.

She also notice the bandages that is wrapped around her wounded body and the unfamiliar wood ceiling above her.

Footsteps that is getting more and more closer, the door slowly open to reveal an old woman in her 70 entering the room.

The old woman gasp at the sight, "Oh god! You're awake!" she exclaimed happily as she run towards Aliciel who is lying on the mattress.

"How are you feeling?" she asked worriedly with a small smile plastered on her face while looking at Aliciel.

"...Pain, but it's not too much." Aliciel replied. "...better." she added silently.

The old woman smile warmly as she stood up and take a glass of water for Aliciel to drink. "Can you sit up to drink this?" she asked with a small smile as Aliciel nodded.

Aliciel tried her best to sit up as she take the glass of water and start to drink it. Aliciel glance at Valen worriedly.

"I-is he... alright?" she stutters while pointing weakly at Valen.

The old woman smile. "He's alright. You don't have to worry."

Aliciel sigh of relief and let out a low chuckle. 'I can't believe I'm actually worrying about the crazy bastard...' she thought with a small smile.

"W-what happened?" Aliciel ask while looking at the old woman.

The old woman smiled sadly. "I find the two of you near this quiet place. So I'm guessing you probably fell from the cliff and fell down here. But thank god the two of you didn't die because there's a few branches and trees that mostly catches the two of you." she explained as Aliciel nodded, signing her to continue.

"And it seems that when you're falling, he hug you so he takes most of the damage by protecting you from the fall." she added as Alicia's eyes widen and turned her head towards Valen who is still asleep, worriedly.

The old woman notice her gaze and smile. "No need to worry about him. He's just asleep. He would probably wake up today as well." she reassured her as Aliciel sigh of relief.

"Also, the wound on your shoulder is healing. Don't worry too much." she added as Aliciel nodded.

"How much... days passed since you found us?" Aliciel asked while looking at the old woman.

"It's only been 4 days." she replied truthfully as Aliciel widen her eyes in surprise.

'Then, the hunting was over!?' she thought worriedly.

"If you need anything, please call me. My name is Lia." she pointed at herself while introducing herself.

Aliciel nodded. "..My name is Aliciel Blacker, it's nice to meet you." she introduced herself politely.

Lia smile. "Listen, I don't want to sound rude but looking from your dress and this boy's suite as well the appearances, are you two a noble?" she asked as Aliciel nodded hesitantly. "Can I ask what happened?" she asked to Aliciel softly.

"...Assasins." Aliciel replied briefly as Lia's eyes widen in surprise.

"...That must've been hard." Lia said while looking at Aliciel worriedly as Aliciel nodded her head.

"I'm going to prepare you some food for the evening. I apologise because it's quite a simple dish and not as luxurious as you think." she smiled sadly as Aliciel shakes her head. "Please, take as many rest as you can."

"It's fine, really." she reassured her as Lia nodded and exit the room.

Aliciel sigh as she lay down on the mattress again and turned her head towards Valen as she form a small smile and grip his hand.

'Surely... everyone had a hard life.' she thought as she turned her head towards the wooden ceiling. 'Whether it's family, money, or status. There's always problems in life. Not matter how small of big the problem is.'

After a while, she feel sleepy and decided to give in as she close her eyes and fall into a deep comfortable sleep.


Her eyes slowly open by the warm touch on her forehead to be greeted by the familiar gold-reddish eyes.

"....V-Valen... You're awake..?" she asked softly, still gripping his left hand.

His right hand is on her forehead moved to her hair, stroking it gently as Valen smiled weakly. "Yeah. I'm fine. Both of us are still alive." he joked, follow by a chuckle.

"Seems like you don't want to let go of me." he teased, indicating that Aliciel still gripping his hand.

But her grip got tighter as Valen widen his eyes. "I-I'm afraid... you would die." she said briefly as Valen grip her hand as well and smile.

"..How's your shoulder?" he asked worriedly while looking at her.

"...I'm a lot better now. Fast healing." she replied as she weakly sit up with Valen's help.

"Are you really feeling a lot better?" he asked while looking at Aliciel as she slightly nodded.

Valen smiled warmly as he hug her. "I'm glad the two of us are still alive." he whispered softly as Aliciel give a weak nod.

"Sorry to ruin this heartwarming session, but I need to feed both of you." a familiar soft voice said as Aliciel and Valen stiffen and turned their head towards the owner of the voice, Lia.

"Lia?" Aliciel asked as Valen only look at Lia questioningly.

"Who're you?"

"My name is Lia." she said while putting two bowls infront of them. "I make this."

"Here, eat while it's still warm. Don't be a picky eater and eat the soup."

Aliciel and Valen narrow their eyes at her.

"Above all, it's delicious and contains few herbal to make the two of you feel a lot better. Don't think about the taste, I make it delicious to tongue." she explained briefly as Aliciel and Valen nodded in understatement and start to eat the soup obediently.

"With this food, you can recover more faster."

Aliciel form a sad smile. 'I hope so.'

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