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Third POV

Aliciel slowly open her eyes to be greeted by the familiar ceiling. Her lips form a small smile remembering yesterday's event. She still have the urge to be mean to her father, to hate her father, and to distance herself from her father.

But unlike people who wished that man to have a life lesson for ignoring her for years, she was never angry at him.

She can't judge people by its cover by seeing his current situation or reasons why he avoided her.

If she was selfish, she wouldn't forgive her father and maybe called him a fucking piece of shit or son of a bitch that didn't care about her.

But It's all for rock headed people who don't want to understand others.

She has patience and a soft heart.

She want to understand why he did that and will not curse him for it.

Above all that, happiness dwelled inside her that she rolled on her bed side to side excitedly.

It's the first time since she look forward for breakfast at the household.


But as always, the breakfast went on with silence filled the room. But somehow, that silence is very comfortable even though it's kind of awkward and Allen doesn't know why.

"Today we are going to the Palace." the Duke informed as Aliciel paused for a moment.

"We? Why? Is there something wrong?" she thought, confused.

"Why is it father?" Allen asked with a raised eyebrow, confused as well at his father statement.

The Duchess chuckled as she notice her two children confusion. "Did you two forgot? Today is the Empire's birthday!" the Duchess cheered excitedly as Aliciel's and Allen's fork dropped from their hands at the same time.

"EMPIRE'S BIRTHDAY!? HOW COULD I FORGOT SUCH IMPORTANT THING!?" the two of them thought in unison crazily.

"This time, I want all of us to go to the Palace. Of course, that includes you, Aliciel. I want us to spend time together as a family."

Alicel stopped again as she glance at her father statement, and he, who is eating calmly. His attitude didn't change and still have the hard cold figure on his face but his affection is obvious.

Aliciel slightly nod. "Yes." she replied nonchalantly as Allen give her a side smile.

"After that, I want us to paint a new family picture! How does that sound?" her mother cheered with a wide smile.

"That sounds wonderful mother." Allen smiled gently at his mother.

"That's not bad idea." Aliciel and the Duke said at the same time making them widen their eyes.

Her mother who is comfortable by Aliciel's presence, start to tease them. "Ohoho... I guess like father like daughter..."

Aliciel just continue eating while swallowing her embarrassment while the Duke cough on his wife's statement.

Aliciel's eyes widen in realisation as reality hits her. "But I don't order any new dress yet."

Allen snapped his head towards Aliciel and widen his eyes in realisation as he turned his head towards his mother. "Me too!"

The Duchess burst into laughter. "You two are really brother and sister." after she said that, the two siblings eyes widen and start to blush in embarrassment. The Duchess smiled at them. "That's not a problem. I already ordered dress and suite for Allen that just arrived. I figured out that you two forgot about it." she said with a playful smile.

Aliciel and Allen can only nodded at their mother's statement.

"It's my mistake. I will surely contemplate my actions." Aliciel apologised politely with her usual cold older sister voice.

She glance at Allen coldly as Allen widen his eyes in realisation. "I am as well. I'm going to contemplate my actions to not repeat it again in the future." he apologised gently with a small smile.


Aliciel look at the big luxurious building in front of her. The Imperial Palace. It was crowded and full of nobles from the high class.

She's uncomfortable.

She look around anxiously and her heart start to beat faster than normal. She breath in and out as she excuse herself to leave the hall.

Exiting the crowded hall, she breathes calmly at the calming nature and sit on the chair nearby.

"What is Lady Aliciel doing here?" a familiar gentle voice greeted her from behind as she turned her head to be greeted by the familiar figure.

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