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"Thanks buddy!" Valen pat the guard's shoulder and walk inside with Alicel as the two of them silently high five.

"Can't believe that child's trick will fooled him. The security around this mansion is really weak." Aliciel complained as Valen chuckled.

"We just have to meet the Baron. Every aristocrats and nobles knows who I am and you by looking at our eyes." he said as Aliciel nodded because only nobles can understand status by the eye colour.

Imperial Family is unique because it consist two colours, golden-reddish.

And the Blacker Dukedom is ruby red.

Valen knock on the door to be greeted by a butler. "...Can I help you?" he asked with a raised eyebrow while looking at their appearance.

"Yeah. Send the Baron here." Valen exclaimed casually as the butler's eyes widen.

"Who are you to call the Baron, Master of this household, like that?" he asked with great resentment.

"Pfft- this Baron is not even the part of the high society." Valen snorted while looking at him.

'Ah... his cocky side is showing...' Aliciel thought calmly while looking at his familiar behaviour then, she stifle a little laugh.

The butler look unpleasant though. "The Baron is a short-tempered one and you do not want to mess with him."

In an instant, Valen's cocky side is replaced by an intimidating one as he glare the butler coldly.

"I ask you to bring him to me, didn't I?" he asked once again using the royal tone as shiver run down the butler's spine and trembled nerveously by Valen's sudden change of attitude.

"I don't want to wait here and ask the same thing over and over again while keeping this Lady waiting." he exclaimed indicating Aliciel.

"...Y-yes, I'll bring him to you." somehow, the butler just nodded by his command and headed to who-knows-where.

Valen turned his head towards Aliciel and smiled smugly as Aliciel snort.

"Who the hell want to meet me at this time!?" a loud voice echoed through the room as Alicel and Valen didn't bother by it at all becauee somehow, they're used to it.

Then, a fat man with many luxurious accessories walk towards them as he look at them with a raised eyebrow and clench his fist.

"They're just peasant!" he shouted towards the butler angrily as Valen and Aliciel stepped forward and look at him in the eyes.

"Good day, Baron Schaer. I am the First Prince of this Empire, Valen d'Fyrst."

"Good day, Baron Schaer. I am the daughter of the Ducal Blacker."

Both of them introduced themselves like they used to as the butler and Baron's eyes widen.

"What kind of bullsh-" before the butler could finish his lines, the Baron notice the colour of their eyes as he got weak on his knees and bowed at their breathtaking presence much to the butler's surprise.

"I-I'm terribly sorry for my foolish ignorance!" he quickly apologised as Valen and Aliciel look down on him.

"I-I thought Lady Blakcer and His Highness went missing for a whole two weeks!"

Valen sigh as he scratch the back of his head. "I want you to prepare us a carriage and 2 guards to the Imperial Palace. Now." he commanded as the Baron nodded quickly as he turn his head towards the butler.

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