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Third POV

Aliciel walk towards the library in hope of finding peace and quiet. Because she's been around Nora who chatted too much and Kian who is loud and noisy.

She sigh as a small smile escaped her lips and enter the quiet library. When she turned around to have a seat, she encounter Vilanc who is sitting silently, looking at the window as he space out.

Aliciel observe him from afar. He look lost and sad. "...Vilanc d'Fyrst." she spell out his name in her thoughts. "...It's true that all of the characters have a sad or tragic past. But I still pity him. He and Valen is never on a good terms because they see each other as enemies and fight for the throne. It's always the throne." she thought sadly while looking at him.

Vilanc d'Fyrst.

The second prince of the Fyrst Empire. He is the son of the late Empress who was executed for committing a crime, plotting to kill the Emperor.

The late Empress never had a child before, that's why the Emperor married another woman for a heir because he thought she was sterile. Valen born first before Vilanc, so Valen officially become the crown prince of the Empire.

Vilanc wants justice for his mother and fight for the throne.

Valen become the Crown Prince because the great injustice his mother experienced.

Nonetheless, their fate is similar and dedicated to their mothers.

But the two mothers are dead and that made them lost their way without the guidance of a mother figure.

Vilanc black-reddish eyes shows sadness and guilt but at the same time, it look furious. It's obvious to Aliciel because their fate is quite similar with each other.

Vilanc notice a sudden presence as he turned his head to be greeted by Aliciel's ruby eyes. His sadness vanish, replace by a warm expression as he formed a polite smile.

"Good day, Lady Blacker." he greeted her. His voice sounded gentle but at the same time, it's fake. A perfect example for a two-faced character.

Aliciel nodded. She knew that character of him too well. "Good day, your highness." she bow politely at his sight.

"You can stop being so formal. You're my upperclassmen after all."

"Alright, Prince Vilanc." Aliciel give him a really small reassuring smile that somehow, warm himself up.

"What are you doing here?" she asked as she walk towards his table and take a seat beside him.

"The library is peaceful and quiet. It came to my liking." he replied truthfully. Maybe Aliciel and Vilanc are more alike than they thought.

"What are you doing here?" he asked the same question she asked him.

"I'm trying to find a calm place to read."

He chuckled at her response. Silence filled the two of them in a comfortable way. They enjoy it together if the other one stays quiet and comfortable with each other's presence.

Aliciel only focuses on her book until Vilanc start the conversation.

"Now that I think about it, it's the first time that we have a decent conversation." he said, trying to break the silence softly. "Look at us. We should be enemy and yet, we talked like nothing happen between us." he let out a dark chuckle, indicating that they are enemy on the outside.

"But nothing really happen between us, right? It's my family and not me. So I don't mind if we talk like this together." Aliciel never knew how much that words meant for Vilanc.

Sometimes little things she said or they said, can meant so much to one another nonetheless how small or stupid that statement was.

Vilanc let out a sincere smile at her shocking statement. He would never thought she would reply that way.

Maybe they only met once or three times, but that small encounter and words they said to each other, mean so much. They said action speak louder than words, but words can mean so much to those who needs it.

"Can we sit still like this for a while? Do you mind?" Vilanc asked with a slight sad smile while looking at the window infront of them that show them the blue bright sky.

Aliciel open her book. "I don't." small smile formed on her lips as they enjoy another comfortable silence.

Aliciel read the book peacefully while enjoying every story she read and Vilanc look towards the window, enjoying the scenery that make him relax.

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