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Aliciel and Valen bow infront of Lia. "Thank you very much for helping us." Valen thanked her with a sincere smile as Aliciel nodded.

"Without you, maybe we'll die out of blood loss." Aliciel added.

Lia smiled warmly towards the two of them as she pat their heads. "Be careful on your way back. You two are like my own grandchildren. Please come visit me again without falling off the cliff." she chuckle on her last sentence as Valen and Aliciel smile.

"Are you sure you're not going to come with us?" Valen asked worriedly while looking at Lia.

"This is my home. I'll be alright here." she said while looking at them and give them water, lunch, and money. "I know the capital is far but because the two of you are a noble, I'm sure there are knights or people that will recognise you two." she explained while handing them the objects as they thanked her again.

"Well then, I hope you two find your way home and returns safely." she smiled as she bow politely.

"Once again, thank you very much for giving us clothes, money, water, and food." Aliciel bowed at her presence as Valen bowed as well beside her.

"It's my duty."

They turned their head towards Lia and waved her goodbye.


Aliciel and Valen walk towards a small village as they look around.

The village is a bit crowded because there's a festival that hosted there, so there's a lot of food and games to play.

"Are you sure this is the way to the Fyrst Hill?" Aliciel asked while eating a street food as she look at Valen who is eating an apple and a few things he got from playing games.

"Yeah. I'm sure!" he said with a broad grin as Aliciel raised her brow but continue to eat.

"It's my first time eating while walking and enjoying a commoner festival." Valen exclaimed while looking around the small cheerful town they passed.

"Me too."

Valen chuckle. "I never thought I would miss those delicious luxurious food." he smiled sheepishly. "I hope to find a random guard soon or knight soon. This is my Empire after all." he shrugged casually as Aliciel form a smile.

Valen passed a small game as his eyes lit up and grab Aliciel's hand excitedly. "There's another fun game!" he cheered as Aliciel rolled her eyes.

Before she could complain, he drag Aliciel to a man who sits on the ground with a few small bowls and a small ball.

"Oh my youngsters, do you want to play this game?" the man offered kindly while looking at them.

Valen nodded excitedly as Aliciel mentally facepalm. The two of them sit on the ground, facing the man.

"If you know what bowl the ball goes to, it's your win and you'll get this two free tickets to the Fyrst Play." he inform while showing them as Valen look at Aliciel with a wide smile.

"Do you want to go to the play? It sounds fun to watch!" he said with a toothy smile.


"Alright! We'll play it!" Valen said excitedly as he pay the man one silver coin for one game.

Aliciel sigh. "Valen, I'm going to ask a few people here about noble information." she said as Valen just nodded, too focused on the game.

She stood up and begins to search for people as well asking them for some information while eyeing Valen from the distance.

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