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Third POV

"And then..." Kian paused for a moment, making Aliciel raised her eyebrow in confusion, waiting for him impatiently.

"What is it..?" she asked slightly annoyed but she ignore that feelings and focus on his answer more.

"...Shit, how can we write this one?" he asked while handing Aliciel the book. Aliciel's eyes widen in surprised as soon as she read the whole page.

"...I-it seems that the Empress commit suicide. But they don't write it down in detail." he said as his hand ran through his hair.

Aliciel analyse the words carefully to write down the Empress's story. "...We can just write down the same as the book but with a shorter version." Alicel said as Kian nodded in understatement, they quickly exchange roles as Kian is the one who writes and Aliciel is the one who dictate.

"...she passed away at the Eclat Tower." she said, thinking of each words carefully. Kian nod as he write it down.

Surprisingly, they finish their work half a day, faster than anyone else much to make their pride higher than their heights.

"Hahaha! I know we can do it!" Kian cheered with a wide grin plastered on his face while munching on his food.

After all the work, they decided to relax and eat at the cafeteria together, surprisingly enjoying each other's company.

Aliciel nodded while eating her own food in silent. She was still fixated by the history of Eclat Empire much to Kian dismay because he feels like she's ignoring him.

"Oy." he called her casually making Aliciel lift her head to be greeted by his sapphire blue eyes.


"Can I just call you Aliciel?" he asked with a raised eyebrow, asking for a permission. Aliciel is grateful that he asked first instead just calling her name casually out of nowhere.

"No, you can't." unfortunately, her answer leave no room for discussion or argument.

Kian groaned that he just got rejected after he asked in a polite manner. "How about Lady Aliciel? I'm a bit uncomfortable by calling you Lady Blacker. You also can call me Sir Kian, not Harvey." he said, silently asking Aliciel to please appreciate his polite way of asking and hoping for a positive response.

Aliciel sigh at his childish attitude. "Fine." her one answer made Kian lips form into a wide grin as he cheered multiple times much to Aliciel's dismay.

"Please don't drag me with you if you want to embarrass yourself here." Aliciel said while glaring him sharply, telling him to put up with his attitude, sit calmly, and eat silently.

Kian frown at her sudden change of mood again. She can be a soft girl but the other minute a strict, party popper.

Not that Kian mind it though. He chuckled at how a year younger than him scold him for his un-responsible human being act.

Kian give her a wide grin. "I'm glad that we get along well, Lady Aliciel." he sounds sincere and happy.

Aliciel just give him a really small smile as a reply to his statement.

And again, silence filled between them. Kian is quite awkward because of the uncomfortable silence but Aliciel doesn't seem to mind it because she focuses on eating her food.


Nora walk alongside Aliciel while chattered about many things much to Aliciel's dismay because she wants peace and quiet but it's impossible because she's around Nora.

They are on their way for lunch to the cafeteria. Along their way, they encounter Kian, so surprisingly, the three of them headed towards the cafeteria together.

After arriving there, Allen is already on his seat. He waved at them and quite surprised that the council president tagged along but he doesn't seem to mind it.

"What is her food?" Kian asked while pointing at Aliciel's food.

Aliciel lift her head to be greeted by his curious sapphire eyes. "It's spicy food." she replied nonchalantly.

His eyes went wide like he just heard the most un-logical thing in the world. "You like spicy food?" he asked with wide eyes as Aliciel nod briefly.

"How about Lady Nora here.. Eh, Lady Bright?" Kian asked awkwardly, slightly call Nora casually with her first name.

Nora chuckled and look at him with a warm smile. "You can call me by first name. And can I call president by his first name as well?" she asked politely.

Kian give her a wide smile. "Of course! And you," he pointed at Allen as Allen freeze on the spot awkwardly. "I'll call you Allen, alright?"

Allen give him a polite smile and relax his tense shoulder. "I don't mind." he replied as Kian nodded happily.

"Haha! Now we're a group of friends here!" he cheered much to Aliciel's dismay.

"Sir Kian, like I said, please don't drag me if you want to embarrass yourself." she scolded as Nora and Allen shared an awkward look as they turned their head to Kian.

"Tch. Party pooper."

Aliciel's lips form a small smile indicating that she truly enjoy the moment they shared together. It sends her a huge relief and she won't walk down the original Aliciel's path.

It's the beginning of the good times.

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