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They banged Aliciel's head to the wooden door, hard, making red liquid running down her face from her head.

She look up hopelessly to nowhere as tears start to form in her eyes and memories begins to dwelled inside her head.


It was her fault that Lula died in her stead.

"Should we kill the maid for good now?"

"No! Don't kill her! I beg you!"

"Shut up!"

"I beg you with all my life don't kill her!"

Aliciel even went as far as to kneel down infront of the kidnappers, throwing all her pride and confidence, pleading with her eyes as she was desperate to make them not to kill Lula.

"...I beg you! Please! Please! Please! Please! I'll do anything! Don't kill her! Just kill me!"

Yet, they stabbed Lula infront of Aliciel's eyes as the blood went all over her face. They even went as far to smash Lula's face on the ground.

On Aliciel's hard days, Lula is the only one who makes her feel better and always serve her with great loyalty. She's like a family to Aliciel.

An older sister Aliciel never had.

'. . . Lula. . . I'm sorry. . . I'm sorry. . .'

But now, she lost all hope and trapped inside a warehouse. They released her hair that they pulled making her fall off to the cold floor.

'....I'm late...' she thought as she breathe out, feeling the whole pain inside her body.

'I'm late to go to the... dinner... I wonder if... Valen would get mad..'

Then, they pull her collar from behind while dragging her somewhere.

'Just when my parents started to care for me...'

'Just when I started my siblings relationship with Allen for the better and try to be a doting sister for him...'

'Just when I started my better friendship with Kian...'

'Just when I got used to Nora's presence and feel empty when she's not around...'

'Just when I clear all the misunderstanding between me and Vilanc...'

'Just when I want to attend the dinner with Valen to give him an appropriate answer...'

'Just when everything turned out for the better. . . !'

'Is it going to end like this?'

She closed her eyes hopelessly and let out a bitter low chuckle.

'Maybe it's just my fate as the Villainess.'

"Hahaha! Let's just wait that damn Crown Prince like they ordered us to and kill him!"

Aliciel's eyes widen in surprise as she realise that they did all of this only to lure Valen out.

She doesn't the have energy left to stood up, let alone fight back.

A few minutes later, those men cheered about something that appear outside the warehouse.

"Guess your knight in shining armour is too late."

One of them smirked as Aliciel's eyes widen, terrified of his words, noticing that Valen arrived there.

'...no... no....!'

A marching footsteps of a person getting closer and closer until that figure finally comes into view as the figure open the door with a sword on its hand.

He look exhausted, his clothes are dirty with blood, because there's a lot of men outside who also fight him and try to kill him, but because of his will, he somehow manage to fight them all with his skill.

Valen look at Aliciel with wide eyes as his anger arose by her pitiful state who is laying on the ground while looking at him with a blank stare.

One of the man smirked at his sight.

"Kill him."

Four other man charged at Valen.

Aliciel just look at him fighting them as he finished them off and kill the two of them easily but still, he look very exhausted as his feature and clothes is filled with fresh blood.

Aliciel look around the room weakly while thinking who could've done all of this. It's not Vilanc, she know that because Vilanc wouldn't do such things.

'Ah. . .'

'. . .It's the aristocrats who wished for Valen's fall. They didn't show up and only use their underlings.'

She thought as she breathe in and out, her head throb painfully but somehow, she can manage the pain.


The man who guard beside her gasp while looking at the scene that occurred in front of his eyes.

Aliciel lift her head weakly to see Valen who killed the four man easily even though he was panting and out of breath.

He send her a small smile as Aliciel look at him without any expression but somehow, concern filled her eyes.

Bad feelings didn't stop to dwell inside her.

_______________________ _ __

Note : This is a new chapter, the old chapters are moved to other book because of errors but the content is the same.

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