Chapter 15: Physical Education

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At the girls gym locker room, Cady and Jessica are talking about the latest incident. It is rumored that a girl turned while in a janitor's closet. When the janitor opened the door he was attacked by a decay.

"It was a good thing that the incident happened on a Sunday because there could have been more casualties if it happened on a weekday. From what I heard there were two more janitors that got killed." Jessica tells Cady as she stretches her legs.

"My gosh, that's scary. How did the school stop the decays?" Cady asked.

"I heard some Alpha kids were present at the scene. They were the ones who shot the decays to death. They eventually called in the security guards for help. Didn't you check this out in the news?" Jessica asks Cady in a sarcastic way.

"No, I was doing something else." Cady replies.

"Alright. So what do you think the coach is asking us to go to the campus Colosseum for? I thought playing dodge-ball in the gym was bad enough, now he wants us to do something else. This is crazy." Jessica says as she tightens her ponytail.

"I have no idea, but whatever this is. I'm guessing it has something to do with the casualties yesterday." Cady replies.

As the two girls talk, they make their way to the campus Colosseum. Its a short walk from the gym but they would have to head toward the back of the campus and cross a street.

"Don't you just hate these PE uniforms? I hate the fabric because it feels synthetic and green is such an ugly color." Jessica complains.

"I think it's okay." Cady replies.

"Well my hair is red, so I look like a leprechaun. It's a good thing I'm good at sports, otherwise I'd be miserable." 

The two girls make it to the road. As they look from left to right, Cady notices that this was the same road they took when Renee, Doris and her went sneaking in the girls dormitory that one night.

The two girls cross the road and head for the huge Colosseum. It is shaped like and an oblong and the walls are very high. On the tips sre some little green flags with the insignia of the Walled City of Delta. They enter the huge Colosseum where a female security guard comes to inspect their school ID's. Jessica is slightly bothered by this and basically just shoves her ID card inches close from the security guards face, Cady thought that the security guard would retaliate from Jessica's rube behavior, instead, the woman just brushed it away and asked them to tap their ID cards in to a device that opens the doors. Inside, there are huge hallways all around. As they walk, they see a huge sign saying 'Coach Peterson's class' with an arrow pointing to some direction. The two girls begin to follow the arrows direction which leads them to the field. It is amazing, Cady has never seen such a green field in her life. As they look around, their classmates are all hanging around the middle of the field. Alex spots them and begins to come towards them.

"Hi girls, Coach Peterson left for awhile but he did put me in charge. He asks that we all do some stretches and play dodgeball while his gone." Alex tells them.

"Buzz off loser! I ain't following you, and if you ever tell the coach on me, prepare to be bullied for the rest of your life." Jessica threatens him as she rolls her eyes.

"I'm going to report this" Alex replies.

"Do what you want. We'll just be there in a corner and do some stretching on our own." Jessica tells Alex as she grabs Cady's arms and moves away.

Cady follows Jessica, as she does, she begins to look back at Alex and apologizes to him silently. Cady and Jessica begin to move away from the main group and approach a corner towards a group of Echo boys and begin to start laughing at how ridiculous their other classmates are while doing their stretches and playing dodgeball.

Cady Williams & The Walled Cities: A School to DIE forWhere stories live. Discover now