Chapter 32: Science Partners

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During the week, Josefa followed Cady everywhere like a hawk. She would give ideas about their project but then warn Cady not to screwup afterwards. Josefa Tabisaura is a type of girl that wants to be the best in everything. She volunteers to assist the professors when they are erasing the white boards. She always has an apple which she gives each and every professor she has every monday and she always wants her professors to call on her every time the professor asked the class a question. Josefa is book smart but is slightly naive to the actual world. She did not care much about current events nor does she care about the killings in school. All she cared about is being the best in her classes.

There were only two classes that made her queasy in the stomach. The first is physical education, where in she failed to do most of the activities every time. Dodgeball is a nightmare for her. She is always called last in the "Schoolyard pick" and when she has to play the game everyone always ganged up on her, especially the Echo girls like Jessica who always taunted her at gameplay, pretending to throw the ball at her direction but then does not. It is not until Josefa is caught off guard does Jessica hit her with the ball directly on the head. Jessica is a nightmare to her, whether she did something to annoy her or not Jessica is always breathing down her neck waiting for an opportunity to tease her. Josefa though indeed smart is not very good in coming up with "comeback" jokes when Jessica would laugh at her expense. Often the girl's joke would come in flat and sounded more as an insult than a joke. Josefa has only one thing that she could do, annoy people like Jessica to the max to an extent that they would not want to talk to her anymore or when she had presentations at class would call on Jessica who clearly does not know the answer and would be laughed at by the whole class.

The second class is science, where in Professor Tara did not care much about finding a favorite. She would in fact tell Josefa to give everyone a chance to speak up and would only call on Josefa when there were no other students raising their hands when she had a question. Mostly everyone in class called Josefa "Josefa knows" because every time a professors ask everyone in class a question and no one raised their hands the class would simply say "Josefa knows" . Just a few days ago the class used this line in Professor Tara's class.

"Class can anyone tell me what are the five stages of turning?" Professor Tara asks the class seriously eyeing everyone who did not raise their hand.

It was only Josefa that had her hands raised, this made most of the students in class reply to the Professor in a tired decay like sound "Josefa knows." Afterwards they would laugh and giggle as always. Josefa did not like it but she never showed her classmates that she is hurt by their teasing. She keeps calm and pretend that they did not say anything, because most of the class tried to tease Josefa during Professor Tara's class. The professor made everyone except Josefa stand in class the whole period. This made girls like Jessica more determined to tease her one way or another.

Other than that time, Professor Tara did not particularly give Josefa a special treatment. She would treat her the same and would return every apple Josefa would give her. This is the reason why Josefa is so concerned about the science project. She wanted her project to be the biggest and the best to blow everyone away. She would not rest until she got Professor Tara liking her.

For some frantic reason, Josefa thinks that Professor Tara likes Cady. She would call on Cady a lot of times, even when she is unprepared but Cady would always give her the right answers that made the Professor smile. Being from the same city, Josefa thought that Cady is the favorite which made her dislike Cady though in reality there is nothing going on and Cady is one of the few students that is neutral to her and does not even participate in teasing her.

Doris is like Josefa, she is an underdog. She is the perfect person to tease in a class. She is not good at teasing, she does not have popular with the exception of Cady who is now not popular anymore, She is short and fat. At the beginning there were people that tried to tease her but because Josefa existed everyone forgot all about Doris and the fact that she know has a strong grip on the campus newspaper. Everyone wanted to be at her good side. Doris made a short article about hair products with the help of Cady one time before and used Jessica as a hair model, because of this the Echo girls in class tolerated Doris. They all were waiting for Doris to have another article about fashion so that they could help model for her. Doris never did again, though she would if the head of the journalism club would assign her to do one again.

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