In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. All the praises and thanks be to Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn . The Only Owner of the Day of Recompense. You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help. Guide us to the Straight Way. The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace , not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger, nor of those who went astray .
____________27: (Al-Naml)- The Ants
(The Ant)No. 27 (Revealed at Mecca)
93 Verses in 7 Sections
This Surah contains 93 verses, and due to verse No. 18, which is about ants and Solomon (as), it is called An-Naml (The Ant); but it is also called Sulayman, and Ta, Seen.
The whole verses of this Surah were revealed in connection with different events and occasions, and the holy phrase: /bismillah-ir-rahman-ir-rahim/ is repeated two times in it, one of them is at the beginning of the Surah and the other one is in verse No. 30 at the onset of Solomon's letter to Sheba, the Queen.
The struggles of four Divine prophets (Moses, Solomon, Salih, Lut) against different tribes of their times have been referred to in this Surah, the most detailed of them is that of Solomon which resulted to Sheba's faith in Monotheism.
Another portion of the verses of this holy Surah is about Solomon's speaking with the birds, such as hoopoe and some insects like ants, and the attendance of some jinns in the army and court of Solomon, and, finally, bringing the throne of Sheba from Yemen to Syria in a short moment.
A tradition stated by Imam Sadiq (as) announces:
"Whoever recites the triple suras which begin with Ta Seen (Surah Ash-Shu'ara, An-Naml, and Qasas) in the night before Friday, he will be one of the friends of Allah and he will be nigh to Him and he will be involved in His Grace and support."
(If he fulfils his religions duties sincerely.)
This 'makki' Surah has 93 verses. In the commentary of Majma'ul Bayan, it is written that the reward for reciting this Surah is compared to ten times the number of people alive during the time of Prophet Suleiman (a.s.), Hud (a.s.), Shu'aib (a.s.), Saalih (a.s.) and Ibrahim (a.s.).
In the commentary of Burhan it is written that if this Surah is written on deerskin and kept in the house, then no dangerous creature (e.g. snake) will come near the house. This has been narrated by Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.)
رب أوزعني أن أشكر نعمتك التي أنعمت علي وعلى والدي ﴿
﴾ وأن أعمل صالحا ترضاه وأدخلني برحمتك في عبادك الصالحين
My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to do righteousness of which You approve. And admit me by Your mercy into [the ranks of] Your righteous servants.
﴾ رب إني ظلمت نفسي وأسلمت مع سليمان لله رب العالمين ﴿
My Lord, indeed I have wronged myself, and I submit with Solomon to Allah , Lord of the worlds.

Surah's In Qur'an The Lesson's And Hadith's
SpirituellesAssalamualaikum-warahmatullahi-wabarakatuhu.. Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim. A small try to benefit people for now and hereafter. To understand and learn what our religion says to us, more over what it teaches us. "The seeking of knowledge is obligat...