98: (Al-Bayyinah)- The Clear Evidence

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In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. All the praises and thanks be to Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn . The Only Owner of the Day of Recompense. You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help. Guide us to the Straight Way. The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace , not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger, nor of those who went astray .


98: (Al-Bayyinah)- The Clear Evidence 

(The Clear Evidence)

Number of Verses: 8

Sūra al-Bayyina (Arabic: سُورَة البَیِّنَة, the Evidence) or Sūra Lam Yakun (Arabic: سورة لَمْ یَکُنْ) or Sūra al-Qayyima (Arabic: سورة القَیِّمَة) is the ninety eighth sura of the quran and a madani Sura. Sura al-Bayyina is one of the short suras of the Qur'an in its thirtieth .

Sura al-Bayyina characterizes the animus of the unbelieving people of the book and their incredulity as to the truth of islam and the prophethood of prophet muhammad (s). According to this sura, such people as well as polytheists are the worst of the creatures, who should be punished by the fire of the hell. On the other hand, it gives believers and the righteous people the good news of the eternal heaven. The seventh verse of this sura is known as khayr al-bariyya verse, which is, according to shiite and sunni hadiths, concerned with Imam 'Ali (a) and his Shi'a  (followers).

There is a hadith from the Prophet (s) with regard to the virtue of reciting this sura: "if people knew about the blessings of this sura, they would leave their families and property and engage in learning it".

The contents of the Surah attests to the fact that it was revealed in Medina, because, the People (Jews and Christians) of the Book (the Scripture) are repeatedly talked about, and we know that at the time of revelation the communication between the Muslims and the people of the Book occurred mostly in Medina.

Furthermore, the words of the Surah are both about prayers and alms. It is true that the duty of paying the alms-tax was issued in Mecca, but the act of spreading this idea with the necessary formalities, was extended in Medina.

In any case, this Surah refers to the universal message of our holy Prophet (S) in the same line of prophecy that the Jews and Christians received their scriptures. They should have prepared themselves for the Advent of the greatest and last of the prophets, but when the awaited Prophet, whom they were waiting for, came with clear signs and evidences, they rejected him, because they were not really searching for truth; they only followed their own desires to gain worldly profits.

By the way, this Surah shows the fact that the doctrine of the prophets such as Faith, monotheism, prayers and fasting are eternal and unchangeable principles in all Divine religions.

In another part of the Surah the different reactions of the pagans and the People of the Book, regarding the invitation to Islam, are referred to saying that those who believe and do righteous deeds are the best of all creatures, and those who disbelieve and refuse to worship Him are certainly the worst of all creatures.

The most popular titles of this Surah are: 'Bayyinah', 'Lam Yakun', and 'Ghayyimah'; titles which come from the text, itself.

On the virtue in reciting this Surah, there is a tradition from the holy Prophet (S) who has said:

"If people knew how blessful this Surah is (Bayyinah), they would leave their property and family to learn it".

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