85: (Al-Buruj)- The Constellations

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In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. All the praises and thanks be to Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn . The Only Owner of the Day of Recompense. You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help. Guide us to the Straight Way. The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace , not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger, nor of those who went astray .


85: (Al-Buruj)- The Constellations

(The Constellations)Number of Verses: 22

Sūra al-Burūj (Arabic: سورة البروج) is the eighty fifth sura of the quran. It is makki sura and located in the juz thirty of the Qur'an. This sura is called "al-Buruj" because it starts with a swearing to the sky which has houses.

This sura is about the fate of ashab al-ukhdud (The People of the Ditch) and the fate of believers in god in the Day of judgement. Also those who rejected the Qur'an are warned and it is said that Qur'an is protected in the preserved tablet (al-lawh al-mahfuz). The tablet is something that records all the incidents of the whole universe with their smallest details and it is imperishable and unchangeable. According to narrations, Prophet muhammad (s) has recommended to recite this sura of Qur'an in daily prayers.

The early Muslim believers of Mecca lived in turmoil especially at the beginning period of Islam. They were always faced with torture; bodily and spiritually, by the pagan Arabs who forced them to leave their Faith. Some of them, the weak ones, succumbed, but, the stronger ones resisted.

This is a Meccan Surah whose main objective seems to be the spiritual strengthening of the believers against that process, and encouraging them to persevere.

Concerning this point, it tells the story of 'the makers of the pit of fire', those who dug some ditches in which they burnt people for their Faith. They threatened them and burnt them, but the true believers did not loose their Faith.

In another section of the Surah, the pagans are threatened with the blazing fire of Hell for the persecution of Allah's votaries, while the believers are given good news about the gardens of Bliss.

Then, to attract their attention to past generations, it illustrates the story of Pharaoh, the people of Thamud and some other arrogant sects. They lived in such great authority, in the past, that the pagans of Mecca were naught in comparison with them, but they could not stand for Allah's command and perished. Besides, these examples are for soothing the heart of the Prophet (S) and of the believers.

Finally, the Surah ends wilh an explanation about the greatness and the extraordinary importance of the Holy Qur'an.

On the whole, this is a Surah of resistant perseverance, and patience from the side of the believers against the persecutions of the enemies, amongst which the promise Allah's victory is found.

The name of the Surah is taken from the oath which occurred in the beginning verse of the Surah.

There is a tradition from the Prophet (S) for the virtue of this Surah which says:

"Allah will give reward for the good-deeds ten times the number of all peopie gathered in 'Friday Prayer' and all people gathered on the day of 'Arafah (the ninth day of Zilhajj), to the person who studies this Surah. Its recitation saves man from fears."

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