94: (Al-Sharh)- Comfort

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In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. All the praises and thanks be to Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn . The Only Owner of the Day of Recompense. You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help. Guide us to the Straight Way. The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace , not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger, nor of those who went astray .


94: (Al-Sharh)- Comfort 

(The Expansion)Number of Verses: 8

Sura al-Sharḥ (Arabic: سورة الشرح) or Inshiraḥ (إِنشراح) or Alam nashraḥ (اَلَم نَشرَح) is the ninety forth sura of the quran. It is a makki sura located in juz thirty. All three names of the sura are adopted from the first verse of the sura which speaks about the openness and comfort of the heart of the prophet (s). Sura al-Inshirah mentions the blessings of god for His messenger and calms the Prophet (s). One of the famous verses of this sura is verse five which promises that ease accompanies hardship.

It is mentioned in the rulings that in obligatory prayers, it is not allowed to recite Sura al-Inshirah alone after surah al-fatiha(Qur'an 1) and it should accompany aurah al-duha(quran 93). About the merits of recitation of Sura al-Sharh, it is narrated from the Prophet (s) that whoever recites Sura al-Inshirah is like a person who met the Prophet (s).

It is commonly said that this Surah was revealed soon after Surah Duha and its contents confirm this since, again in this Surah some of the Divine Bounties are counted for the holy Prophet (S).

In fact, there were three important Bounties mentioned in the previous Surah (Duha) and there are three magnificent Bounties mentioned in Inshirah too. Those Bounties were material and spiritual Bounties, whereas in this Surah, all are spiritual ones.

The theme in this Surah, mainly pivots on three different subjects:

The first is the expression of these triple Bounties; the second is the good news for the Prophet (S) informing him that his burden and difficulties of his prophetic mission will be removed soon; and the third is that attention should be paid to Allah, alone, and be hopeful and encouraged in worship and supplication to Him.

As it was mentioned before, according to the traditions of Ahlul-Bait (as) these two Suras are considered as one and then, in recitation of prayers, both of them are recited to form one complete Surah.

A careful examination of the contents of these two Suras leaves no doubt that they are quite closely related to each other. Again, a similar case is found for Surah Fil and Surah Quraish which will be dealt with later.

The above statements make it clear that this Surah (Inshirah) has been revealed in Mecca, but with regard to the verse:

"And We exalted for you your reputation",

some believe that it has been revealed in Medina when the name of the Prophet (S) and Islam had been known everywhere. But, this statement is not enough to prove their idea, because the Prophet (S), with all the problems that he had in Mecca, was completely known and his rise and invitation to Islam were talked about everywhere and in most gatherings, and also his reputation was spread in all parts of Arabia, especially in Medina, by the annual gathering of Hajj pilgrims.

On the virtue of studying this Surah, the holy Prophet is reported to have said:

"He who recites this Surah will be rewarded the same as the one who met Muhammad unhappy and brought the grief out from his heart."

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