In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. All the praises and thanks be to Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn . The Only Owner of the Day of Recompense. You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help. Guide us to the Straight Way. The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace , not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger, nor of those who went astray .
____________74: (Al-Muddaththir)- Wrapped in his cloak
(The One Reposing in Bed)Section (juz') 29
Number of Verses: 56
Sūra al-Muddaththir (Arabic: سورة المدّثّر) is the seventy forth sura of the quran. It is a makki sura of the Qur'an which was revealed to the prophet muhammad (s) at the beginning of his bi'that. The word, "muddaththir", means wrapped up in clothes, and it refers to the Prophet (s). In the early verses of this sura, god orders the Prophet (s) (who felt very cold as a result of the great shock of his first revelation and thus, was wrapped up in clothes) to rise and warn people.
According to many hadiths, part of this sura was revealed about al-walid b. al-mughira who had called the Prophet (s) a magician. In this sura, God points to the greatness of the Qur'an, warning people who deny it and take it to be a magic.
The verse thirty eight of Sura al-Muddaththir is a well-known verse according to which "Every soul is hostage to what it has earned". According to some hadiths, if a person recites this sura, he will receive ten rewards for every person in mecca who believed in or denied the Prophet (s). Or if someone recites this sura in his daily prayers, God will reward him with the company of the Prophet Muhammad (s) and he will not undergo any misery or suffering in this world.
This Chapter, revealed in Mecca, has 56 Verses. It was indubitably revealed in Mecca, though there exists no unanimity as to being the earliest of the Chapters revealed to the Noble Prophet (S), or it followed Chapter 96 (Surah al-'Alaq) in the sequence of Revelation.
However, according attention to the contents of these two Chapters (74, 96) reflects that the latter was revealed on the threshold of the Prophetic call, but the former concerns the time when the Noble Prophet (S) was Divinely appointed to call the general public, when the clandestine call had come to its end.
Therefore, some of the Qur'an exegetes maintain that Chapter 97 was the earliest of the Chapters revealed on the threshold of the Prophet Revelation of the Noble Prophet (S), but Chapter 74 was the earliest of the Chapters revealed following his call to the general public.
At any rate, the nature of the Meccan Chapters, mainly calling people to turn toward the origin and the return, confrontation with polytheism, and warning the beliers against Divine torment, is explicitly reflected in the blessed Chapter in question.
It is narrated from the Noble Imam Baqir (as) that whoever recites Surah al-Mudaththir in their obligatory canonical prayers, God Almighty shall make them accompany the Noble Prophet (S) and shall grant them his elevated degree, and they shall not be entangled with misfortune and pain in this worldly life. Further traditions have been narrated from the Noble Prophet (S) and the Infallible Imams (as), though for the sake of brevity, mention is not herein made of them.
It goes without saying that the mere recitation of the words of the blessed Chapter may not result in such great consequences, but one is supposed to accord attention to the contents and most precisely act upon them.
Surah's In Qur'an The Lesson's And Hadith's
SpiritualAssalamualaikum-warahmatullahi-wabarakatuhu.. Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim. A small try to benefit people for now and hereafter. To understand and learn what our religion says to us, more over what it teaches us. "The seeking of knowledge is obligat...