The Great Game Of Life

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Trigger Warnings: Blood, Gore, insanity, Horror. If you don't like isolation, might want to skip this chapter.

This story takes place in 'reality', and I just make up Xisumas appearance

The sound of a clock ticking filled Xisumavoid's ears. The sound was loud enough to drown out anything else, like his heart beats, his screams.

The screams, which should have been bouncing off the walls of the cell block, were drowned out by the ticking of that damn clock.

He couldn't think, he couldn't breathe. The dark walls seemed to close around the broken and fractured man, squeezing the air out of his lungs. It was hopeless.

Nothing broke the pattern of oppressive ticks, they became the law of this prison, the clock didn't mark the time, time marked the clock.

Tears stained Xisuma's cheeks, he had been crying for hours, though it could have been days. His hands covered his ears, as he hunched over, curled up in a ball on the damp, cracked, rough concrete floor he had been thrown in. His green, bloodshot eyes begged for a way out. A way out.. what a dream.

He had been trapped in here for so long. The usually calm and composed X was a shaking mess of sobs, racking his chest, penetrating the stale air around him. It's not like it mattered. Who would come for him?

The walls around him were dark, and the only light that streamed in through the bars of his cell was faint, coming from the end of a long hallway. It cast everything into silhouette, not that it mattered, as Xisuma was the only one there, and he had his eyes shut, refusing to take in anything from around him.

The screams continued from his lips, but lost power, as the ticks invaded his mind. His heartbeat, which he could feel against his chest, was now synced with the ticks, he even found himself breathing every other tick.

Xisuma's throat grew hoarse and scratchy, if he were to open it to speak, it would feel as if it were being torn by sandpaper. His breaths grew more even, and the steady stream of tears dried up.

So this was how he'd die? Alone, in a rotten, moldy cell, in the dark, with nothing but ticks to fill the air.

Xisuma laughed dryly, it hurt his lungs to produce the noise, and it hurt his soul to hear the broken and battered sound. He was going to die here. He knew it.

What would he do first? Would he smash his head in? Would he let dehydration claim him? Or would he be kept alive, letting his insanity claim him and his mind, drifting off into and endless sea of white, letting his actions dictate themselves. Thinking about it made him smile.

The great game of life claims everyone in the end. The strongest minds fall before it's might, the burliest of Ajax's take a step back. Gods themselves crumple to their knees, unable to do anything but throw stones at the title wave of life, coming to wash over and drown them all.

While smoke can scare off the flies, the beasts come for us all. And right now, the beast of death was charging for Xisuma.

(Ok I couldn't decide on an ending so I wrote both-)

Happy ending:
However, death wouldn't claim Xisuma yet.

The sound of ticking abruptly stopped, as heavy footsteps filled the air instead. comming down the hall, boots hit the floor, as the sound rung out throughout the cellblock.

Light seemed to move with the sound, as the man was faintly illuminated by a torch. Red and yellow streaks smudged against his skin in Xisumas blurred vision.

"X! Xisuma?" A soft, british accent called out. It was Biffa, a voice Xisuma couldn't forget. "Are you here?" The frantic male called out.

Xisuma, lying on his side in his cell, let out a small croak, as for the first time in what felt like forever, he could hear something besides that clock. "Biffs..?" He dreamily said, his voice hardly recognizable.

Biffas head snapped up, as his eyes found Xisumas cell. "Oh X.." Biffa jumped into action, grabbing the keys on his belt, and plunging one into the lock. He twisted the key frantically, pulling open the bars on the door.

The door squeaked, as the horribly rusty hinges on the cell door forced themselves to open.

Biffa put his torch on the wall, slowly crouching down to Xisuma. He gingerly pulled Xisuma close, and Xisuma did his best to crawl forward, hooking his arm around Biffas neck. Biffa stood up, holding Xisumas waist.

Xisuma leaned on Biffa, but made sure to carry some of his own weight. "Thank you Biffa.." Xisuma whispered softly.

Biffa just nodded slowly, "I'll make sure you never end up like that again." He said, grabbing the torch from the wall, letting the light illuminate their path, as the heat reminded Xisuma that the game of life wasn't over yet.

Sad Ending:
Xisuma laid there for hours, listening to the ticks. A wide grin spread all over his face, eyes wide with a maniacal look.

He had accepted the fate.

He then sat up slowly, and then slammed back down. His skull collided with the ground with a sickening crunch, as the edges of vision blurred.

His light, fawn hair blossomed with flowers of crimson, as blood leaked from his skull to his hair, to the water and concrete he was bashing his head in with.

Xisuma repeated the process, black growing on all edges of his world, closing in as pain forced him into reality.

Then, Xisuma hit his head one last time, and the world went dark.

As black faded into white, Xisuma found his ears filled with a tock, tock, tock. As Xisuma looked around him, he felt gauze wrapped around his head, and when he touched it, it felt wet. When he looked at his fingers, they were stained a bit red with blood.

As Xisuma looked around, he realized he was in a white washed room with a white light in every wall, and in the ceiling and floor. When he closed his eyes, and listened, the tocks that rocked the walls, they sounded like laughs. Laughing at him for all eternity.

And so this is how the game of life would end.

Heya! It's me! The author.

Please, tell me how I can improve in the comments!
What can I do better? What did I do well?
Did you like the story line? Did you not?
And please! Leave suggestions!

Stay happy, and remember, the game of life must come to an end.
-yours, the anonymous author.

Oh! I almost forgot, send requests in the comments! I get writers block too much..

Word count: 1140

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