Recap Fluff :)

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I had to do it to them. I know they're not hermits, but they are in my heart.
"Killer script this time, Zloy, I think we did good here." The smooth voiced Brit said. He was also known as Pixl, a beard of a man with a soft smile, and cute mannerisms that made Zloy's heart melt. "Alright, I'll get to recording, I'll send you the audio when I'm done!" Pixl said with a chuckle.

The Slav responded with a chuckle of his own, "alright, cya." He said in his trademark Russian accent. With a click of his mouse, he left the call.

The Slav rolled back in his office chair, as a small pang in his heart brought butterflies to his stomach. Pix always made the Russian feel this way, and he just didn't know why. He felt his heart skip a beat whenever he heard the brits velvety voice, and his laugh was stuck on repeat in Zloys dreams. And whenever he left the call, he felt his heart sink. Oh well, it's not like Pix felt the same way.

Zloy stood up, walking to the kitchen while adjusting the goggles on his head, there for convenience and appearance. He set his kettle on the stove, turning up the heat. He hummed softly, looking through his cabinet to see what flavor tea was available. When he found a box of lemon ginger, he grabbed a bag and set it aside, waiting for the unforgettable screech of an angry tea kettle.

As he waited, his conscious started to drip towards random thoughts. Zloy thought about this and that, but eventually, the steady tributaries of thoughts all flowed into the river basin of Pixlriffs. A small smile accompanied by a blush, hit his face. How Pixl was constantly smiling, how his laugh could warm up a room in winter. Beyond even that, Pix always knew how to cheer Zloy up when he was feeling down, and the very thought warmed his heart.

Zloy let out a small sigh, he knew how hopelessly in love he was, but he didn't know how to express it, so he just stayed silent about it. He let his thoughts drift off, thinking of all the good times he and Pix have had. His smile grew wider and wider, as all he could think about was the diamond he stole, all the jokes he cracked during recap writings.. they all warmed his heart.

However, the tea kettle was also warming, and it let out a shrill shriek of protest as the liquid inside reached optimal temperature. Zloy sighed as he snapped out of his day dream, finding his eyes had wandered out the window. It was very muggy and humid, and clouds were mounting in the sky. They were due for a thunderstorm, it looked like if someone were to take a needle and poke the clouds, they would give up their attempt to hold in the rain, and let it hit the ground.

Zloy pondered this as he poured the warm water into his cup. He never really liked thunderstorms, he would always jump at the loud cracks of thunder and bright flashes of white. But that fear only intensified as he started to live alone. It only fueled the fire of his fear to know nobody was with him.

Zloy shuddered a bit, but tried to forget his fear as he switched off the stove, and took his warm mug of tea back to his office. Better sooner than later, he sat down in his chair and started to collect clips for the recap, he could do that with just the script, he didn't need Pixl's smooth voice over. He smiled a bit at the thought of Pixl.

He shook his head and snapped out of it, knowing Pix would never feel the same way.

After a good bit of clip collecting, he got a message from Pix. It was the audio. Perfect. Zloy switched tabs, and quickly typed a thanks, saying the recap would be up in a few.

He got to work editing. He went through the actions, adding this, doing that. He got into a rhythm, but that rhythm was smashed by the sound of thunder. It broke through the air, and it caused Zloy to jump out of his skin. This was no ordinary thunder, this was thunder. It hurt his ears. He grew a bit panicked, but thinking it was a one off, kept editing. He let the pounding of rain against his air conditioning unit fill the air, but that was interrupted by a beam of light, quickly followed up by a boom of thunder. This time, Zloy panicked. He let out a screech, and leaned into his chair, the wheels rolling back and almost causing the chair to fall over.

He let his breaths even, and rolled back up to his desk. He made a quick decision, and pulled up discord. His hand gripped the mouse, and clicked on Pixls profile, before his hands flew along the keyboard to send a message.

ZloyXP: hey, can you call? I'm bored.

He sent the message, and almost immediately reverted it. He went back to editing, internally cringing a bit. Not two minutes later did he get a reply.  His heard hammered against his chest, as another flash of lighting and crack of thunder bellowed out.

Pixlriffs: Yeah, sure.

Incoming call from Pixlriffs

Zloy quickly picked up, smiling as the brits accent filled his ears, quelling all of his fears about annoying Pixl, and about being a bother.

"Hello, Zloy," Pixl said, his smile edging into his words.

"Helllllllo!" Zloy replied, forcing the fear out of his voice. Not only from the thunderstorm, but because Pixls voice had singlehandedly soothed his jangling nerves. How could you try and be calm when someone's voice could do that to you? You listen to their voice, Zloy supposed.

"What's up?" Pixl asked, humming a small questioning beat after his word, he truly couldn't hear the fear in Zloys voice.

"Just editing," Zloy chirped, clucking his mouse as he added a clip in. As he did that, a whoosh of wind assaulted his window, and lighting flashed through the sky. Zloy let out a small squeak as thunder shook the ground. "Ah!" He exclaimed in fear.

Pixl smiled softly, and let out a chuckle, connecting a few dots. "Zloy.. are you afraid of thunderstorms?"

The question caught Zloy off guard, and he quickly blurted out the obvious answer. "nO!" He said, trying to get his disheveled emotions back together.

Pixl hummed a note of amusement, sing right through the lie. "Are you sure?" He said, chuckling softly. "Because, I think it's kind of cute." Pixl knew very well what happened whenever he called Zloy cute. He knew very well that Zloy had a crush on him. Pix knew very well that he felt the same about Zloy, but he never really found a context to bring it up in. So he remained silent.

Well, now was his chance.

Zloy blushed profoundly at the comment, "y-you do..?" He asked sheepishly, bitting his lip in anticipation of the response.

"Mhm," Pixl responded, "so don't worry about it, love, the thunder can't hurt you. I'll stay here until the storm passes, ok?" He said, smiling. He wouldn't mind staying. Not one bit.

Zloy responded, nervous and childish excitement in his voice. "Yeah.. sounds good." He wouldn't mind either. Not one bit.


Hi. I think these two are kinda cute and I in no way did them justice but whatever!

Thanks for reading, feedback and requests are always welcome

Yours, Sif.

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