Convex Fluff

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This takes place in 'minecraft'. It's just some fluff, no real triggers.
Cubfan135 checked his elytra, making sure that he had put enough EXP in them to last him a flight or three. When he had verified he had, he swiped his hand to the left, and pulled up his inventory. He selected his flight duration three rockets, and shuffled them into his offhand. He also selected his feather falling boots, and his diamond helmet. Always wear protection when flying.

Cub then spread his wings, and ignited his fireworks, letting the air rush behind him and under his wings, generating enough lift to carry him into the air. He fired a few more rockets, and spun a bit. He was currently in hermitville, and needed to travel back to the main island to see Scar. Cub just felt a sudden need to see his friend, so off he went.

Cubs white lab coat flapped in the wind behind him, and he spammed a few more rockets, flying around scars build off build. It put a smile on his face to see his friends incredible building skills. As he flew up a bit higher, he swooped down, loosing enough momentum to safely land by a nether portal.

Cub took a step in, instinctively switching his main hand to his sword. The particles swirled around him, as he turned to purple mist, reforming in the next dimension. He took a step out, not wanting portal sickness, what occurs if you travel between dimensions too much, too fast. Cub switched to a golden carrot, munching on it quickly, while simultaneously stepping forward to a boat.

After his hunger was sated, he sat in a boat, and slid along the ice, going as fast as his arms could take him. Cub pondered what he would do. He felt a sudden need to see scar, but he didn't know what he would do when he got there. He was bored, and lonely. Scar always filled that gap in his heart.

As soon as Cub got close, he dismounted his boat and sprinted to the main hub. He flew down, and quickly located scars portal. He stepped into it, dematerializing into purple mist, only to reappear onto the familiar island of scars nether portal. He took a second to adjust himself, and his heartbeat suddenly picked up, as butterflies swam their way through his stomach.

Cub then spread his elytra, taking off. He flew off to where scar was, looking through some items in his chest monster. Cub giggled a bit, he found it amusing when Scar tried to find something in his 'storage system.'

Being alerted to a presence by the sound of footsteps, Scar whirled around. He looked a bit worried, but quickly relaxed when he saw who it was. Scar double tapped the air, and selected the chat icon among the settings menu.

He selected all caps, and then typed out a message. 'CUB! DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT >:(!' The angry tone was implied.

Cub smiled a bit, and double tapped as well. He selected the 'call' icon, and scrolled down the list of names from online members until he found scars. He then clicked scars profile, and a green 'call' button that appeared after that.

On scars screen, the message 'incoming call from Cubfan135❤️', and a green accept, and red deny button showed up. He clicked the green accept, and immediately heard Cubs light giggle. Scar calmed down a bit at the noise.

"I'm sorry Scar," was cubs first words. "Didn't mean to scare you." He said with a small, shy, sorry, smile.

"It's fine," scar said with his own giggle. "If you're not here to scare me, why are you here?"

Cub cringed a bit, that was the question he was hoping to avoid. Might as well answer truthfully. "Oh, I dont really know. I just want to hang out. It's been a long week, why don't we relax?" It was a Friday evening and the convex were tired, so there were no complaints on either end.

Scar smiled a bit, "you know what, I'm down for that." He looked in a few shulker boxes, and when he found what he was looking for, pulled out two stacks of rockets. He swiped let, pulling up his inventory, and put the rockets into his offhand, he also made sure his elytra had durability enough to last him a few blocks.

After the vexes had made the proper preparations, they flew off, cub in the lead, showing scar to the modern district, where he had built another house to call home. They drifted onto the balcony, and stepped inside, running down the stairs to the kitchen.

Scar sat down at the kitchen island, while cub fished through a few barrels and chests, gathering supplies to make something to munch on other than hard, metallic carrots.

"Cubby?" Scar asked, using his affectionate nickname for the fellow Vex. He had a small smile, as his green eyes glinted with amusement and bliss.

"Yes?" Cub responded, humming along to the tune of his work. He was making some cookies, and right now, he was looking for coco beans.

"Gimme kiss." Scar said, a dopey smile on his face. He reached his arms out and made grabby hands, "pweaseeee?"

Cub straighten up a bit, "scar.. not here.." he mumbled, his cheeks growing slightly flushed as he fu,bled with the latch on a chest.

"Who's gonna see?" Scar questioned, putting his elbows on the table.

"Scar..." cub groaned a bit, he was just paranoid. He double tapped his screen and checked. The other members were either sleeping, or in the end, as a few hermits had decided to go end busting together.

"Pwetty pwease with a chewwy on top?" Scar asked, making puppy eyes.

"Unfair! You know I can't resist your puppy eyes.. fine.." he smiled a bit and gave scar a quick kiss on the cheek, then he turned around and proceeded to combine the ingredients for a batch of cookies. The items did a fusion dance, and he passed half of the chocolate chip cookies to scar, and kept half for himself. "Come on, lets sit on the couch."

The duo walked to the couch, Scar chipper and happy, Cub happy Scar was happy. Scar hopped onto the couch and started to happily munch on his cookies, while Cub sat down and ate one, then put the rest in his inventory for later.

A few minutes of comfortable silence later, scar yawned a small bit, tired from the week's work. "Hey cub, can we cuddle?" He asked, eyes shining with the most adorable little glimmer.

Cub nodded slightly, "of course." He put his arms around scar, and held him close. Scar sunk into the embrace, content to stay like this forever.


Heya! Thanks for reading. If you would, please leave some feedback!

Stay chocolatey, my cookies.

Yours, Anon1909

Word count: 1156

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