Building Blocks (PT 3)

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Part three in the Welsknight trilogy! I suggest you read parts two and one if you haven't.

Also, thanks a million for the reads! :p

The duo of Wels and Xisuma steadily made their way along the side of the road, through the thin woods and underbrush.

By the end of the day, they were caked in mud. Xisuma was decorated with small cuts and bruises from all of the thorns and falls, and both of their faces showed the ware the day had given them.

So when they saw even the slightest hint that the sun was dipping below the horizon, they took the chance to pick up for the night.

Wels found a place near the main road, it was by a stream, and looked like a decent spot to build a shelter. So he set to work.

Wels made a small fire, and Xisuma, with the help of his portals, created a small shelter based on Wels' instructions. It was crude at best, and they'd have to huddle close together, but that was preferable for warmth.

Soon, the fatigue set in, and they both sat down by the makeshift fire.

Wels curled into a small ball against the steadily creeping cold, while Xisuma sat next to him, shivering as well.

Xisuma added a few more sticks to the fire and poked it, allowing the warmth to further spread. He let out a small, shaky sigh, and said the first word in hours.

"Wels.. what's next?" He asked, looking at his blonde counterpart. Xisuma had seen better days, the usually calm and composed one a bit of a mess.

Wels however, looked somehow worse. Wels looked at Xisuma, tears in his eyes, and shook his head. "I- I don't.. don't know.. the Malverians aren't big fans of the Villigans, ma-maybe we could find.." he tried to keep himself composed. He sat up straight, and violently wiped his tears away. "I don't.. know." He said finally, after a long beat of silence.

Wels' mind was a mess of emotions, a chaotic tangle of everything and nothing all at once. He didn't know what to feel, so he just covered it up. Put the knot to the back of his mind, let it fester. He never bothered to comb out the mess, and now, it just about swallowed him whole.

He closed his eyes, forcing himself to keep down the tears. Not now. There was a time and a place. Not now.

Xisuma saw right through this. He wasn't having any of it either.

He slowly put his arm around Wels, "don't kill your feelings.. it's ok. You've been through a lot, it's ok to cry every once in a while."

A/N: this is true always :(. If you ever feel bad, don't kill your feelings. Talk to someone, or just scribble it down somewhere. Everyone is hurt every once in a while.

Wels looked at Xisuma, crossed his arms over his stomach, and let out a heart wrenching sob. Xisuma was right, he couldn't kill his emotions.


The duo sat there for around an hour, Wels sobs turning into sniffles turning into short breaths. He had told Xisuma everything, how lost and alone he felt, how overwhelmed, everything. He didn't hold back. He had held back long enough.

Once Wels had sufficiently told his life story, he looked at Xisuma, a genuine smile on his lips. "Thank you." He said, simply thank you. No fancy add one, just a thanks from the bottom of his heart.

Xisuma, in turn, nodded, rubbing Wels' shoulder gently.

They again sat there, watching the fire die, as the heat of their own anxieties decreased with it.

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