The Engineers (1)

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Hi, this is based on the school for the gifted idea I had a few days ago. This is Mumbo and Xisumas chapter.

Not a song fic, but Killer Queen is a great song and it plays throughout the story and I use the lyrics for transitions.

--Part One: The Engineers--

"She's a killer Queen.."

The sound of queen drifted through a dusty garage, as two men, no, boys, worked on their own projects.

One, by the nickname 'Mumbo', was sitting under a car, fixing it up while he hummed along to the tune of the music.

He was under an automobile being held up by a small device of his own creation, akin to a piston. He had his tools in hands, work goggles over his eyes, and headlamp on his forehead, hands deftly working to fix up whatever needed fixing.

Mumbo was the mechanic. Plane and simple. He could make or fix anything, and was damn good at it. Right now, he was improving his parents' car, which hardly needed it. The car functioned perfectly well, but now it would function even better. To hear Mumbo say it, you would expect the car to barely be able to move before he made his improvements.

"Gunpowder, Gelatin.."

Across the room sat Xisuma, a boy so shy of his face he constantly kept a helmet on. Only Mumbo had seen the boys face in the past three years, and he insists that Xisuma looks perfectly fine. Handsome, even.

Xisuma was hunched over a peculiar looking device. It was a light amber color, studded with a diamond pattern on five sides, with the side facing Xisuma being a white square with an array of colorful dots, a cover that was currently a few inches to his right.

On the inside, the 'command block', as Xisuma referred to it, was a mess of wires, circuitry, and the most cutting edge hardware available on the open and black market. However, Xisuma wasn't messing with any of the wires. Instead, a hologram display of a light blue hue was propped up in front of the command block, with lines upon lines of code displayed on it.

He currently had a hologram keyboard of the same color in front of him, fixing the code of a language of his own invention. 'Turtle Script'.

The command block in question had been buggy for months, and only now had Xisuma gotten around to fixing it.

The specific command block was made to cross reference the news, weather, and other important things to give Xisuma the best rundown of current events and things he should be keeping tabs on. It would sort through any fluff or unimportant information and would give him two thousand words of what he needed to know. It was quite helpful. Which was why he was upset when it started glitching. Sometimes it would inject fluff articles into his daily digest, and that was something he just didn't like.

With a few fixes, he had debugged his program and now was just starting to improve it.

"Dynamite with a laser beam.."

As Mumbo hummed along as he completed his work on the car. He slid out from under it, pushed his goggles up his head, and used the back of his gloved hands to wipe some dust off his face. He then started to lower the car,

"Guaranteed to blow your mind.."

He sung along to the music, his hands drifting towards his toolbox. He sorted his tools back into the bright yellow box, and then deposited it on a shelf at the back of his garage. The mechanic slid his gloves off and placed them on top of the box, before hopping over to Xisuma and sitting down next to him.

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