Hermit High (4)

981 29 13

Trigger warning- Slurs, bullying towards the end- Sorry! <3
Also the song above is in French I know! And it's also talking about a parental abuse.. but it's a good song and sort of related I guess!

The sun slowly started to lug its way over the roofs and into the windows of a small English town that was host to far more than it let on. Some golden beams of light filed into Xisuma's window, placing their light onto his head just as his alarm started to blare through his room. His eye quickly fluttered open, and he shut off the alarm with the snap of his finger. Morning hit him like a truck, but luckily his dreams were just as uneventful as his day probably would be.

He quickly staggered to his feet and lightly brushed his hands through his fawn hair while making his way to the tiny half-bath attached to his room. He was good at multitasking. He stepped into the bathroom and splashed his face with water, and ran a toothbrush over his teeth lightly.

After the basic morning needs were met, he went back into his main bedroom and started to get dressed. As he did this, he looked at some notifications that had mounted during the night. Impulse had texted him, saying that it was no problem to pick him up for school. That took a bit of a weight off Xisuma's shoulders.

He had a few YouTube notifications from channels he followed, and some discord pings from friends asking if and when he was free. He decided to ignore the discord notifications and watch a YouTube video that had been published in the last night. He hit play and listened as the sounds of jittery delight as Hungrybox discovered the Jigglypuff buffs made his melee main viable again. (11/10 if you get this in fact take a cookie if you do- 🍪)

Xisuma smiled a bit as he fitted his gray hoodie over his white undershirt, and made a mental note to check out the ultimate patch notes later today. Xisuma had three colors in his wardrobe: black, gray, and white. He had a few hoodies that he liked to alternate with wearing, today he was wearing his plain gray one. He pulled up some shorts and grabbed the first pair of socks he found, which were gray with a few trims of black here and there.

After he did this, he grabbed a pair of sneakers from his closet. He only had two pairs of shoes: winter boots and sneakers. His white sneakers were very nondescript, with not even a brand on them. They were worn from a few years of constant use, and the laces were beyond frayed, with the aglets fading into obscure history. Despite his meticulous care for them, some parts of the soles were starting to give way. He'd need a new pair soon. As he pondered this, he absently checked the time. 7:45. Ok, he had a few minutes before Impulse came to pick him up. He decided that in that time, he would chat up his friends on discord. He grabbed his helmet and fitted it over his head. He then grabbed his bag and slid his laptop in.

After he made sure he had all of his homework, he pulled out his phone and started to clear notifications. He informed his friends that he would be available this coming weekend, and that he'd be more than happy to hang out if no other plans made themselves.

Satisfied with his response, and secure in the knowledge he could simply get an answer in school, he pulled up Snapchat and started mindlessly looking through stories and the such.

After a few minutes of losing brain cells of useless drama that was chalked full of more melancholy than it really should have been, Impulse arrived. But Not in the manner you might expect.

Seemingly out of thin air, materialized a boy with a book in his hands. This boy was Impulse, with brown hair and eyes to match. He had a fairly pale complexion, and wore black with hints of gray. He had a gargantuan book propped open to a page somewhere near the middle, which was bookmarked. That page with many others, as the book held host to far too many bookmarks and notes.

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