School day (5)

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Trigger warning- vulgar language, violence, bullying again, drug references. Also, there's fighting n that stuff. Sorry this chapter has a lot of stuff I'm just not the best mentally rn, and that affects my writing. :(

Also! Persona is a great series and P5 is a great game highly recommend you check it out

Another thing: If this continues for another part I'll move it to its own book cuz this is getting ridiculously long for a oneshots book.

Bdubs smirked and crossed his arms over his chest, "now now, when did violence ever solve anything?" He said in his smirky know it all tone. The two football players looked a bit unhappy about that comment but weren't really in a position to fight- as Aiden had just run off. Presumably to the nurse. However, strategy and brain mass were things they were both lacking, so one got in a stance, and ran forward to try and body-slam Bubbles.

The football player made it about a step before he was stopped dead in his tracks. A hand had grabbed the back of his shirt, stopping him from running forward. Then a VERY pissed voice cut through the cheers and jeers of the hall.

"I heard you were fucking with my friend," the voice said. It was none other than Mumbo Jumbo, who matched the football guys in strength and size, but had more than a single cell in between the ears. Mumbo then pulled the boy down so his back was in an awkward arc, and gave him a glare that would terrify the strongest and burliest of beings. "So I say this once," he rose his knee up and kicked the boys back as hard as he could. The football player let out a groan and his knees buckled. Mumbo let go of his shirt and looked around at all of the now terrified teenagers who had been cheering on Aiden. "You mess with anyone, especially for reasons they can't control, and I make sure you end up like him." He gestured time the boy who was groaning in pain on the floor, hand on his back.

Mumbo then walked over to Grian, who had his wings tucked over his face and upper body as he was cowering in fear. Mumbo comforted Grian as the crowd dispersed, whispering among themselves, gossiping and already creating rumors.

Mumbo comforted Grian, and everyone else had a mind to step in but had to get to class. So the crowd scattered like rats, weaseling their ways into the door frames of their first period.

One such boy went by the name Iskall, and he was accompanied by Doc, as he was called.

Doc had pale green skin that looked like it would peel off if you touched it. He was in a gray shirt and black pants, his bones showing through on the sunken parts of his exposed arms. He also wore a long and tattered white lab coat. He looked unhealthy, with his short black hair a tousled mess of strands. Doc could have clawed his way out of his own grave and looked better.

Iskall, on the other hand, looked like he'd just come from Buckingham Palace. He had a clean green suit and perfectly combed hair. His skin was a healthy tan, and he had a respectable build. One of his eyes was replaced with a metallic sphere of some kind, illuminating a soft blue glow. It made a soft whirring noise every time it pivoted.

The two walked towards their first period, chemistry as it would seem. They jested and laughed, a small moment of socialization in between the hours of class. Iskall was the first into the classroom, holding the door for Doc.

Doc decided to poke fun at Iskall, "thank you, butler." He teased, in true 7th-grade fashion. Iskall rolled his eyes- well, he rolled his eye and mechanical replacement- at Doc, elbowing him in his bony midsection.

"Yeah, whatever, ghost body. At least I have some meat on my bones." Iskall joked, walking in and taking his seat in the back. Doc sat next to him, reclining leisurely. Perhaps if he had some gum he would have blown a bubble.

"Oh shush, you're just upset because I'm smarter than you~" Doc fired back, flashing Iskall a grin and lazy wink to accompany his posture. In this moment, Iskall wouldn't have been surprised if Doc threw his brains away and ended up heroin addict in his mother's basement.

Iskall scrunched his face up, holding the bridge of his noise in mock disgust. "Ugh I could practically hear my dad in that!" Iskall returned, a small amused smirk on his lips.

Doc scoffed, rolling his eyes. He would have said something if it weren't for the bell that annoyingly decided to ring during their conversation.

Both of their heads instinctively snapped up to the front of the classroom, to see their chemistry teacher, Mr. Chef.

Mr. Chef sas was a pleasant late to middle aged man. He had a sense of humor, a long white beard, and an intuitive method of teaching that elated all of the students present in his class. His full name was Timothy Foil Chef, which the students decided to turn into the nickname 'timfoil Chef'.

But back to class, as it was starting.

Mr. Chef stood at the front of the class, his eyes grazing over his students. He reached his hands up and clapped twice, "alright everyone! Before I start has anyone seen Aiden?"

A boy named Joe Hills, who by all standards had an incredible way with words, piped up. "Sorry sir, but he was being a real meanie to Grian. it was a valiant battle between the forces of good and evil, but the darkness was forced to retreat."

Everyone shared a giggle at how dramatized Joe made everything. Even Timfoil Chef. However, he asked for clarification: "Joe, please be a bit more.. realistic?" He said, questioning his own word choice. Everyone faltered with their word choice at the might of Joe Hills.

Joe blew out a sigh, leaning back. "Aiden was ruffin' up Grian, but he got nicked in the nose by one of Keralis' cards, and ran to the nurse. Some of his buddies stepped into help, but Mumbo took care of them." He then bit his tongue, realizing he may have very well sold out a few of his friends.

The teacher made sure to calm Joe, "don't worry, Sir Hills, your friends were merely defending Grian, I have no intention of getting them in trouble." He nodded once before standing up straight and walking behind his desk. "Time for the lesson." He said.

Binders opened and papers shuffled as people got ready for class.

Ayy! It's me. We're back in business baby. Also yes this is unedited sorry!
I have a winter/holiday special planned plus part two of the watched thingie. Both should be up before the 20th (aka the start of my winter break :)))))))

Anyhow, I'm yet undecided on wether or not I should continue this series or move it to its own book. Opinions would help! Thanks!

-yours, The Author

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