Meet The Vexes (2)

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Heres the next part!

Also! a note. For some hermits, I'll be using their irl appearances


"I told you it would work," lab-coat-boy said.

The two engineers looked startled, and Mumbo held his wrench up like a weapon. "Who the hell are-" However the blonde was cut off by the lab-coat boy.

"I'm a cub fan and apparently that's my only identifying feature you can call me cub," he said, pushing his square glasses up his nose. "This fella over here is Scar," Cub said, though not explaining the nickname.

Scar, as he was called, wore a brown leather coat and an old west style hat. He sighed, his dull green eyes flickering with annoyance. "Pardon Cub over here, this guy had been trying to get enchantments to work for ages. He figured out vex magic was the key but needed to prove it on someone that can't control vex magic."

Xisuma's eyes widened behind his mask, and he shot his hands up. "Eureka!" He shouted, perhaps louder than he intended. He sheepishly looked down, but opened up another blue tab and started to type furiously. The text scrolled by so fast that Mumbo, who was standing behind him, and the only one who might have been able to, couldn't read it.

Mumbo sighed and looked up at the two vexes, "Why should we trust you?" He asked, still holding his wrench up.

Scar smiled a bit, "well you can't." It was strange to hear an American accent on British soil like the pair had, and that didn't help Mumbo's opinion on them in any way. However, they sounded familiar.

Cub looked at scar, and Scar looks at Cub. They then let out a laugh like it was the funniest thing they had heard all week. "Kidding," Cub said light-heartedly. "We go to your school, I share fourth-period physics with you, Mumbo, and Scar shares AP world history with you."

Xisuma was too busy typing away to even notice what was going on, so it was up to Mumbo to hold up their end of the exchange.

The blonde slowly lowered his wrench, but kept his fingers firmly wrapped around the metal tool. "That's where I recognized you from." He murmured.

Scar tilted his big floppy brown hat forward, "Yep! The vexes, the best pranksters at Hermit High."

Mumbo sighed, letting his free hand run through his hair, allowing the pads of his fingers to brush over his scalp. "The infamous Vexes. You two have caused quite a bit of grief, I have to admit your pranks are funny. Less so, however, on the receiving end."

The boy in the lab coat nodded, giving a small wink through his dorky rectangular framed glasses. "All part of the fun!"

Mumbo waved his hand dismissively, twirling his wrench around in his dexterous fingers. There were very few that could match his ability to create things, his ability with sleight of hand.

Xisuma finally looked up, a goofy smile hid behind the metal of his mask. However, you didn't need sight to know how happy Xisuma was, because you could hear the delight ooze from his voice. "Question! Would you mind demonstrating this 'Vex magic'? I've just poured over years worth of data collection, and I've haven't found a credible source citing what this magic is. All folklore and rumor. If I could see and record this it would be much appreciated." He was practically bouncing with excitement.

The two Vexes looked at each other and simultaneously shrugged.

"We can do multiple things," Cub chirped.

The old west styled boy chimed in as well, "let's just do the obvious!"

Scar, before Cub could protest, held each of his hands up to either side of his head, and small white swirls appeared around them. A faint screech could be heard in the distance but grew louder and louder, when suddenly two ghostly figures melted through the floor, the screaming cut off.

They each branded swords of the iron variety and had tattered wings akin to that of a butterfly's broken ones. They seemed peaceful at present, but not in nature.

Mumbo held his wrench up again, sucking in his breath. Xisuma however stared in fascination, taking dozens of photos, only stopping short of touching them.

The wide-eyed and curious masked boy recorded from all angels he could, much to the amusement of the Vex in the lab coat.

The two ghostly figures then crossed their swords over their chests and poofed out of existence. Gone without so much as a breeze to signify their leaving.

Xisuma stared at the wall where they once were, dumbfounded. After a second he quickly went to record his observations.

The rest of the boys stood around awkwardly, and Mumbo rubbed the back of his neck. He might have even coughed.

"So.." Cub mumbled, "you're the one they call the mechanic right? You won the science fair three years in a row. Very impressive." The comment was directed at Mumbo.

"Oh yeah," the blonde responded, "yeah. You two are infamous. The convex. You have a YouTube channel right? To host some of your best pranks."

Scar nodded, his green eyes flickering with enjoyment at the topic. "Ah yeah, it's more of a vault for the pranks we thought to record."

At this point, Xisuma lifted up his hand. He made a series of weird taps against the air, and a monitor that had been resting on a shelf for god knows how long flared to life. The pixels forced themselves into an arrangement, showing the most viewed convex video. For the first few seconds, the sound drifted from the built-in speakers, but Xisuma soon re-routed it to the speakers in the radio. The sound of the video fluttered through the room.

"Hey everyone! Scar and Cub here.." their voices drifted through the garage as they explained the basis of their next prank. They would set up a small trap for a friend where water would be dumped on his head. No harm done, simple prank. All the people in the garage pivoted their heads to the old monitor, before turning back to continue their conversation.

"I see," Mumbo said, simply to fill the awkward void of silence. "Anyway.. Its getting a bit late.." the blonde cast his gaze out the westward-facing window. Small streaks of scarlet and gold swirled over the expansive blue sky, as an orb of pure light sunk lower and lower behind a line of gray and brown slanted roofs.

The two vexes nod at each other, with scar tipping his hat. "See you later, then." They said.

Xisuma flicked his wrist up, and the garage door rattled open. He still had his head faced down, typing and running simulations.

The two vexes sauntered off, not speaking, but smirking at each other.

Xisuma looked up once the two had left, and the garage door rattled closed. "Oh they finally left," he huffed out.

Mumbo hummed, nodding slightly. "Yep. They seem nice enough I guess." He shrugged, shifting his weight from foot to foot.

Xisuma nodded, and brought his hands to his neck, letting them trail up before reaching the bottom of his helmet. He then flicked a small switch at the base of the helmet, and it released from his head. He then pulled it off, to reveal his face.


Hi. I finally found time to write. I didn't proofread this I just can't be bothered. Comment any mistakes and I'll fix them I guess.

Other than that feedback is always welcome

Yours, I have a US history test that I really need to study for

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