Watched (1)

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This will probably be a two-parter, so look out for that.

Another French song Ik! But I like French songs better than most American/English songs so.

Grian starts to think someone is watching him. Months go by and he starts to degrade more and more. Also, ima just say Grian has wings and not just elytra.

Grian was going about his day. And today, he was grinding out the material needed for his massive concrete base. He ran around with his efficiency V diamond shovel, harvesting sand and gravel and funneling the materials from the ground into a series of shulkers. At one time, he had propped open the portable purple boxes, bending over to sort through some sand he had funneled into it. As he was doing this, he felt a bit of wind brush against the back of his neck.

He shivered slightly at the sensation of cold air brushing against his neck, and the soft feathery wings on his back tightened closer to himself.

The hairs in his neck perked up and Grian stood up straight, looking around for the cause of this chill. He saw nothing, but when he looked up, he swore he saw the red blink of a camera in the sky.

One Month Later

Grian was standing in his base, stretching his wings. Tip to tip they were six feet. His red sweater was off as he had just woken up, and he was looking in the mirror, slightly in dismay at his bony body. He blew out a sigh and turned around to go through his drawer, finding one of his trademark red sweaters.

He slipped it on over his head, and after he fit his wings through the small holes on the back of his sweater, he went to close his drawer. However, as he did, he saw a small red camera light blinking.

He went to push away the clothes covering it, but when he did, the light vanished, along with whatever was causing it. What?

He shook off the strange feeling that he was being watched and flew out of his base.

One week later

Grian was simply flying. He had a lot on his mind, and flying always helped. His soft feathery wings flapped, letting the air pass through them, letting the same air fill his lungs. The sun was slowly falling down, casting yellow, pink, and red streaks through the light blue sky. The same streaks danced into the water below Grian, distorting in the water. The kelp and coral below him were beautiful, and someone had taken it upon themselves to sprinkle glowstone and sea lanterns through the whole coral reef, as it was just off the main island, and often traveled. As well as that, there were turtles, dolphins, and numerous fish in the area. The light was better for catching and viewing purposes.

Grian kept flying, occasionally turning and twisting, flying down and running his fingers through the water. He kept his face with only a neutral smile, despite the elation he was feeling. He smiled and flew up, making it a few feet above the water before arcing his back and doing a wide backflip. He let out a small sound of delight, before screaming in terror as a powerful gust of wind knocked him back before he could right himself.

He would usually would be able to right himself, but in this instance he was in an awkward half up position. He flew backwards skidding across the water a bit before sinking into it. He managed to get a big gulp of air before sinking and he had respiration on his helmet so he would have a bit of breathing room.

He forced his eyes open, his big feathery wings soaked through in an instant. They dragged behind him, helping him float but also slowing him down. He managed to break the surface and breath, his wings sagging in the water. He wasn't flying anytime soon. He let out a small whine, resulting to floating on his back. He let his fingers curl around the water, letting his eyes close. He stayed like this for a few minutes, before he felt something swimming beside him.

He opened his eyes and rested himself upright in the water, only to see a dolphin swimming beside him. He smiled a bit, and giggled his happy giggle. The dolphin seemed friendly, so he hesitantly reached his fingers out. They brushed against the slick skin of the dolphin, and it brought a smile to his face.

The dolphin swam around him, and small swirls started to rise up around him. That's right! Dolphins grace. He took a big gulp of air and let himself sink below the water. He forced his eyes open and started to swim forward. He somehow moved faster than he ever would have been able to, his arms pulling through the water with ease. The dolphin swam beside him, constantly giving him the effect. Grian was back to his base before nightfall.

He swam up to the rim of his base, made of glass and concrete he struggled to find a grip but eventually pulled himself up. He laid down, soaked to the bone and tired. The last rays of sunshine had been warming the glass Grian was sitting on, which he was ever so grateful for.

He sighed and slowly sat up, sitting criss cross with his feathery wings around him. He looked out over the red dipped sky, and then the sea that was growing darker with the setting sun.

Among that sea was the dolphin that had saved him. It swam up near where he was sitting, and poked its head out of the water. Grian giggled and reached his hand out to touch the top of the dolphins head, rather hesitantly. However he ended up doing it. When he did, the dolphin immediately recoiled. It did a bit of a backflip and swam off. However, as it did, he caught sight of its eye. It was red. Blinking red like a camera. What the fu—
Two days later
Grian sat in his bed, his head was full of thoughts and he just needed to clear them.

He was browsing the internet, on his phone, just aimless. He decided to have a bit of a look down a rabbit hole. He googled his name and started to scroll past the results. However, he nearly had a heart attack after looking at one result.


He quickly pressed the link, and a loading screen turned to an image of his room. With him in it.

He turned towards the corner of the room where the camera must have been, and a few seconds later his phone showed the movement.

Grian raised his hand.

Seconds later, the same on his phone.

His breath hitched and he leaped out of bed. He extended his wings and flew to the location of the camera and sure enough there one was. Small, almost impossible to see. He had half a mind asking where the hell it came from, and half a mind asking what the fuck it was there for. He decided to meet in the middle and smash the thing with a brick he found in his inventory.

He dropped to the floor and ran back to his phone, only to see a 403 error message. (For those of you who don't know this means the client can't access the url for some reason. In this case Grian and

Someone was watching him. Watching him, and probably the other hermits.


Hiya! This is up like a few hours early at the fault of proofreading. Apologies!

-yours, stressed and depressed in the Wild West

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