Wait, is that you?!

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Theres Some sexual innuendos, so beware

ZloyXP and Pixlriffs are both attending the same party without knowing it, and just pretend they don't really know each other's faces, they've just seen like one photo.
Cars lined the street outside a quaint house in England. A party was being thrown, but a more calm type. One for New Years.

If you were inside, you'd hear light chatter and shoes scuffing against the floor. You'd hear glasses clink, and the faint sound of children screaming from the basement. Yes, this is staying in.

They weren't screening, however, for the reason you may think. They were repeatedly raging at their inability to well.. win at video games.

They were repeatedly being beaten by a Russian in his mid twenties, by the name of Zloy. He was at the party through a friend, and he hadn't even been introduced to the owner yet. He was playing smash ultimate against some pre teens, and utterly destroying them. He was playing as Palutina, and how are some twelve year olds going to counter pick Palutina.

After a few rounds, they insisted to switch games. They decided to switch to fortnite, so they had to take turns. Zloy had no interest in the game so he decided to simply sit in the couch and aimlessly scroll through Twitter.

He decided to DM his friend, Pixlriffs. They were simply friends, but Zloy thought of Pixl as his best friend, even if they had never met face to face. He was embarrassed to admit it, but he had a little crush.

The message read 'hi, bored and watching some kids play fortnite in someone's basement lol. Wanna talk?' A good way to sum up the situation so he hit send and went back to his timeline.

Pixl had a smile plastered to his face as he greeted the next set of guests, hopefully the last ones. He had quite the new years party this year, even if it had nothing on the ones he had in high school.

He took a sip from his wine glass, forcing the biter liquid down his throat. Light alcohol helped him relax, and right now he needed nothing more than to relax.

He glanced at the clock, 11:30. He had time before he had to gather everyone around the TV to see the festivities, so he decided to stop by the kitchen and get some water.

He smiled and chatted with friends, as he was the host. Even though some were almost 20 years his senior, they still all treated him as equal, which wasn't uncommon but still nice.

By the time he made it to the kitchen, it was 11:50. He had five minutes before he had to gather everyone around. He poured himself a glass of water and took the singular moment of peace to check his phone. He saw he had a Twitter DM, so he checked it. He saw it was from Zloy, and cracked a small smile at that fact.

He replied with a simple 'sorry can't talk :/' and closed out of his phone. He slipped it in his pocket, but the message did remind him of the screaming children downstairs that he'd have to remind to come upstairs. He sighed and made his way to the basement, throwing open the door to the 'gaming room' with hesitance.

He was met with the screaming of angry 10-12 year olds as they beat each other with pillows and beam bags.

He looked to the only other adult in the room, who he didn't know. A Russian man in his mid twenties. He shook his head and shrugged, not knowing what was going on.

Pixl managed to get their attention by speaking loudly, telling them it was almost New Years and they should all go upstairs. They all miraculously ceased their fighting and raced each other up the stairs.

Pixl let out a sigh of relief, brushing his fingers through his hair before turning his attention to the only person left in the room, Zloy. But, of course, he didn't know that yet.

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