Star Wars AU

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Heya! Here's some background for this story~

Stress is a force-sensitive 22-year-old with a good grasp of her abilities. She was a padawan under another Jedi. When order 66 struck, she faked her death. Her master didn't make it out alive. She's like Ashoka in her fighting style. Fast, agile, dual sabers. Her Kyber crystals are disguised as earrings and ten bits and bobs that make up her lightsabers are in her pockets/ bag.

Iskall is a bounty-hunter with an eye implant that basically makes him Deadshot but better. He's hunting Jedi for the cash prize offered by the empire.

Zloy is a happy go lucky teen with no sense of responsibility. He's not scared of death. He's force sensitive but has no idea how to use the force properly. He's decent and fighting, and likes to cause trouble. Especially if it's against the empire.

This takes place after Revenge of the Sith, and primarily in Hutt space. Hutt space is more lawless, and not under the direct control of the Empire in the same sense as some other planets. Hutt space is the safe house for any runaway Jedi or force-sensitive being to hide.


Iskall never liked Cyrkon. It was a dusty little planet in the middle of Hutt space, and most would do good to avoid the wretched hive of scum and villainy. (A+ if you get the reference) But now, Iskall was forced to jump along the rooftops of the planet's capital, Motok.

Iskall wasn't particularly happy about this, but right now their life was one big season of To Catch a Jedi- and they hated every second of it. But the promise of a big prize for whoever caught the illusive wielders of the force was enough to entice any bounty hunter, even the infamous Iskall85.

Now, as they walked along the streets of Motok, they only had that big prize on their mind.

They wore a pretty standard garb, brown undergarments with a tattered gray cloak that reached their knees. They had a fairly decent arsenal, a knife, a few smoke bombs, a sniper over their back, and dual pistol blasters. Not a small arsenal by any standard, but if someone was well equipped and well trained they could prove to be a roadblock. No matter.

Iskall had a bit of a reputation for dealing with people who got in their way.

Iskall was looking for a target and had their mechanical eye on sight for facial recognition of the target. Her name was Stress, and she had been spotted on the lower levels of Coruscant boarding a ship that had been bound for Motok. Stress was to be considered armed and dangerous, though to what capacity of either trait was unknown. If she was a Jedi, she would most likely not attempt to engage unless provoked, but it had been a few years since the Jedi were a major force in the galaxy, it would be difficult to gauge how true she would still be to her values. Especially for an outsider like Iskall. What Iskall did know, however, was the motive she may have had for coming to Motok.

Hutt space was an excellent place to hide from the empire, and Cyrkon especially was a place where people liked to go to disappear. Iskall knew that was why Stress was most likely here, which is why the first place they thought to check was the back streets of the outskirts and lower levels of Motok.

Which brings us back to...

Iskall cast their glance over a back alley. They had a good view considering their rooftop perch. They were just about to move on, thinking it was empty when they saw a small rustling behind a pile of crates.

Iskall knew it probably wasn't their target, but they brought their hand to their blaster just in case. Iskall narrowed their mechanical eye to get a good look, thinking it was just an animal or something.

However, instead of an animal popping out from behind the boxes, a small boy, no older than 20 sprung nimbly out from behind the crates.

The boy was human, with light hair and a slim but sort of sticky build. When Iskall got a good look, their scanner eye indicated the boy's name was Zloy, and that he had a bounty of around 500 credits. It was nothing big, but it was something, and this boy looked rather undefended.

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