Obligitory Grumbo

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This takes place in Minecraft, just some fluff + world building practice


Everyone knew of the portal. No, no, it wasn't a nether portal. No, no, not an end portal. No.

This portal was green. It was stuck in the ground at X 0, Y 0. Dubbed 'The World Portal', it was the center of the hermitcraft server. Sometimes new people would pop out, but more often than not items would be spat out. Sometimes, it would even suck everything in, and spit everyone back out in a new world full of dangerous new items and terrain.

The last time that had happened was around six months ago, and everyone had gotten used to the sixth iteration of this new world and all of its aquatic features.

Mumbo Jumbo was sitting by the portal, reconfiguring a new red stone machine that would- if functioning- be able to predict when something or someone was about to come through the portal.

He had just finished calibrating it, when it started to beep like crazy, shooting off fireworks into the sky.

Mumbo, thinking it was busted, gave it a little kick, "stupid machine.." he murmured, taking off the hood of the observer he had rigged up to see what needed fixing.

However, Mumbos machine was absolutely fine. What wasn't absolutely fine, was the boy who had just gotten thrown out of the portal.

A streak of red flew by, jumping up feet in the air only to land on a hard patch of grass and stone. The streak turned out to be a player, with light blonde hair, dark eyes, and a bright red sweater.

Mumbo quickly dropped whatever he was doing, and ran over to the figure. He put down his ender chest, and opened it. He pulled out a box of food, and grabbed a golden apple. He then helped the newcomer sit up, identifying him as Grian based on his name tag.

"Hey.. Grian? Eat this, it will patch you up." Mumbo looked worried as he said this, and rightfully so.

The newcomers shirt was messed with dirt, and his jeans were torn slightly. He looked battered and bruised from the fall, and probably had a broken rib or three.

Grian nodded a bit, "ok.." he said, grabbing the apple weakly and taking a bite. The wounds on his skin immediately started to patch up.

"Keep eating that.." Mumbo said. He pulled up his keyboard and frantically messaged the admin of the server, Xisuma.

Mumbo: X! Come to 0/0, imprtant! New membr!

Mumbo didn't even bother to fix his spelling, but realizing he needed to, he typed up another message.

Mumbo: Also, bring a potin of strngth! Strobgest one you habe!

He then went back to tending to Grian, who looked weak and frail. His bones seemed brittle.

Mumbo selected some cooked chicken and a golden carrot from his inventory, and handed them to Grian when he finished the apple. "Here.. you must be hungry.." he said gently.

Grians eyes widened, and he munched on the food as fast as he could, seemingly growing bigger with every bite. "Very.." he said through a mouthful of metallic carrot. Once he had swallowed, he smiled and burped a loud burp. "Oh, how rude of me! I'm Grian,
But you know that.. I don't remember how I got here, but I'm here!" He said with a light giggle.

Grian then tried to sit up, only to fall back down again, "nope.. can't move yet.." he said with a grunt and pained smile.

Mumbo gave a sympathetic smile, "Don't worry, my friends on his way. Meanwhile.." Mumbo grabbed another shulker from his ender chest, and placed it down. He pulled out a stack of golden carrots, and handed them to Grian. "Munch in these if you get hungry."

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