Paranoia (2)

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Trigger warnings: insanity, mentions of eating disorders
This is part two of the watched chapter!

Grian becomes incredibly paranoid and shuts himself in his room. He seldom ventures out, and only then its to get some food from his farms. He avoids interaction with everyone, and people start to get worried. Mumbo goes to check up on him.


Mumbo swooped down from above, landing in the entrance of Grian's massive base. Nobody had heard from Grian for the better part of the past two months, worry was in the air and Mumbo was elected to go and find out what was up.

He landed down on the concrete floor, a shiver brought to his spine at the sight of the place.

It was a mess.

Open shulkers slay strewn about on the floor, the goods they were holding on the ground. One was full of sand, some others miscellaneous armor and tools.. one even had some spare elytra.

Mumbo let out a shaky breath at the sight of the place. It was never particularly clean but.. this was new.

Mumbo swiveled his head, calling out to his friend. "Gri..? Are you alrigh.." he trailed off as his friend peaked out behind a pillar.

If he was bony before, now he looked straight up anorexic. He looked as if he hadn't had a good meal in months. His wings were beaten up and missing feathers, his hair was a mess and he was coated in dirt. His dark eyes had a glimmer to them.. a quality that made Mumbo shiver.

"What happened to you?!" The spoon asked, walking forward with a worried look on his face.

Before Mumbo could reach, however, Grian extended his wings and flew backward, hovering above the ground with a weary look in his eyes. "They're always watching.." the blonde mumbled, eyes wide and terrified. "They're watching!" He said with a low screech that rumbled the base of his throat.

Mumbo stopped in his tracks, one foot behind the other, a confused expression on his face. "Grian? Are you ok?" he said, justifiably worried at the state of his friend.

A cold laugh shook the room, Grian being the source. "Ok!? I've never felt more ok! I know the truth! I know they're watching us. It's all in here.." he tapped the side of his head. "I know. I know everything!" He said, a crazed look in his eye. A look that Mumbo wished he had never seen.

Grian reached into his inventory and pulled out a diamonds sword. It glittered in the light, indicating it was enchanted. Grian held it out to his side, and like a hawk to its pray dove downwards. He attempted to slice at Mumbo, only missing because mumbo rolled to the side and pulled out his sword. He needed to get out of here. He didn't want to hurt his friend, if Grian was really in there.

Mumbo grabbed a rocket and ignited it, the duration three rocket got him through the door, and spamming a few more got him to the main island. He was more confused than anything, what the hell had happened to his friend? Was it even possible to loose it that much in just a few weeks? Grian has never been the most stable person but it wasn't easy to go completely nuts like that. Mumbo had to believe Grian was in there somewhere.

Whatever the case may be, Mumbo needed to find someone else that could possibly help him.

A quick check of the tab menu showed that Xisuma, Iskall, Doc, Grian and himself were online and in the over world. False was also online, but in the nether, and Scar was AFK. Mumbo decided that this was an 'Architect thing', and messaged Iskall through the in game chat, don't ask me how this works in in-game context I'm not quite sure.

Iskall responded with concern and his location in the form of coordinates, which Mumbo figured out was Iskall's main base with a few minutes of flying. When he landed, the mustache man had his eyes wide with disbelief and fear. He wasn't quite sure what had just happened.

Iskall was there to greet him, he was less in disbelief, but then again he hadn't just been attacked by his friend. Mumbo looked at Iskall, "hey Iskall.. I think we have to check up on Grian. He was.. erratic at first, but then he attacked me. I flew out before he could do anything, but.. the look in his eye." Mumbo shivered at the fresh memory.

Iskall looked a bit doubtful, "are you sure? I mean Grian's never been particularly.. stable but to think he'd go completely insane is well.. shocking. Shocking to say the least." The sweed responded, a hand on his hip.

Mumbo rubbed the back of his neck and shook his head, "I'm as shocked as you. It just didn't seem possible.. for anyone really." He chewed the inside his cheek, trying to seal away his anxiety.

Iskall shook his head slightly and waved for his friend to follow him. He stepped into his base, and pressed a wooden button on the wall. It was in line with a few others, presumably for decoration. But when it was pressed, the sounds of pistons firing and red stone powering gave way to a door, which opened to reveal an armory.

Glittering diamond swords and armor, shields with patterns and iron edges, anvils and pools of lava, perfect for forging new tools, bookshelves with more enchanted books than one could count, and bows. Long bows, short bows, steel bows and irons ones.

Mumbo's eyes widened, "I didn't know you had an armory!" He said, walking in gingerly and allowing himself time to take in his surroundings.

Iskall let out a small chuckle, wasting no time in getting a new set of armor, setting the chest plate in his inventory so he could use his elytra. Iskall also grabbed a bow, with no need for a quiver because of its infinity enchantment, and a shield with a skull pattern painted on it.

Mumbo shook himself from his state, grabbing a spare chest plate, bow, shield, and flint and steel. Just in case he told himself.

Mumbo turned to Iskall, nodding once and adjusting his helmet. "Shall we be off?" The mustache man asked, readying his rockets.

Iskall nodded in return, bringing his shield to his offhand.

The two architects circled above Grian's base, landing on top. Iskall took his pickaxe and broke through the roof, leaving a one block wide gap where the two could slip in. Iskall brought his bow into his hand, jumping down into the building. He didn't deploy his elytra until he was at the bottom floor. He didn't see Grian yet, but when his boots hit the floor he pulled the string of his bow back, an arrow appearing in it from the infinity enchantment.

Iskall held his bow, careful to be ready at a moments notice. Mumbo dropped beside him, holding his flint and steel rather than a bow or sword.

They were both quiet, but so was the room. It was so quiet, in fact, they both jumped at the sounds of feathers rustling.

A swoop of wind followed by the swivel of two heads lead to a savage screech and dive bomb of Grian.

He swooped down like a phantom in the night, sword in hand, targeting Iskall. He was screaming something about how Iskall was 'one of them'.

Before Grians sword could reach Iskall, the bearded man let go of the arrow in his bow, targeting Grian's wing.

The arrow hit true, sending Grian back and to the floor with a thud. His wing crooked and deformed, he stood up, throwing up his sword and catching it so it was held backwards in his hand. He then used his free hand to pull the arrow out of his wing. The look in his eye told Iskall all he needed to know, and re-affirmed what Mumbo already did.

They both looked at each other, nodding once. Without hesitation they lit their rockets and blasted off again with one question in his mind.

What. The. Fuck.


Yes this is bad but I promised a chapter so— might clean it up later might not idk.

Anywayyyy since I'm on break I have more time to procrastinate and not write.

-yours, Sothis

(Play fire emblem: three houses)

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