Update (A/N)

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Hey! I apologize for my past two updates, I'm just editing this one and deleting the second update chapter. Sorry if you're reading this in the future.

Some stuff that I promise I will clarify later came up, and I won't be able to make very consistant updates. I have a few chapters that should come out within the next week or so, but for the foreseeable future I will be on a bit of a hiatus.

To make it up, a little preview of what should be the next chapter:

Grian was going about his day. And today, he was grinding out the material needed for his massive concrete base. He ran around with his efficiency V diamond shovel, harvesting sand and gravel and funneling the materials from the ground into a series of shulkers. At one time, he had propped open the portable purple boxes, bending over to sort through some sand he had funneled into it. As he was doing this, he felt a bit of wind brush against the back of his neck.

He shivered slightly at the sensation of cold air brushing against his neck, and the soft feathery wings on his back tightened closer to himself.

The hairs in his neck perked up and Grian stood up straight, looking around for the cause of this chill. He saw nothing, but when he looked up, he swore he saw the red blink of a camera in the sky.

One Month Later

Grian was standing in his base, stretching his wings. Tip to tip they were six feet. His red sweater was off as he had just woken up, and he was looking in the mirror, slightly in dismay at his bony body. He blew out a sigh, and turned around to go through his drawer, finding one of his trademark red sweaters.

He slipped it on over his head, and after he fit his wings through the small holes on the back of his sweater, he went to close his drawer. However, as he did, he saw a small red camera light blinking.

He went to push away the clothes covering it, but when he did, the light vanished, along with whatever was causing it. What?

Nothing here is finalized yet so keep that in mind.

-the author

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